Had a roomate in college who was over the top on the RPG's you're talking about- D&D and what not. Never could get into it myself, although we had some chess and Risk marathons. Nowadays it's down to chump-change poker with my fellow digbots. Are you a native Canuck? (Hope you don't find that term offensive- not meant to be) I think your country is very clean and progressive. Maybe retire there one day.

Cannuck works... I don't even get offended by "Cannuckistani" anymore. :)
I got into role-playing games in HS...and CEGEP (Senior HS, I guess)..took a decade or so off, and found one hell of a story-teller for a Game-master. It makes all the difference. I miss Risk :( Ain't played that one in a dog's age.

I'm a French Canadian Mohawk....so, yeah..pretty native, eh.
Cannuck works... I don't even get offended by "Cannuckistani" anymore. :)
I got into role-playing games in HS...and CEGEP (Senior HS, I guess)..took a decade or so off, and found one hell of a story-teller for a Game-master. It makes all the difference. I miss Risk :( Ain't played that one in a dog's age.

I'm a French Canadian Mohawk....so, yeah..pretty native, eh.
I've got an archeo friend, Jacinthe, who's Quebecois. She's way cool. I think she's related to Mohawk or Assiniboin? sp?
Abenakis maybe or Atikmekwe or Algonquin (those are most of the "A" tribes in Quebec.

It's mostly Cree, Mohawks and Iroquois-Mohawk.

With a name like Jacinthe... Métis, like me (part French/part Native). It's a nice catch-all.
Abenakis maybe or Atikmekwe or Algonquin (those are most of the "A" tribes in Quebec.

It's mostly Cree, Mohawks and Iroquois-Mohawk.

With a name like Jacinthe... Métis, like me (part French/part Native). It's a nice catch-all.

Atikmekwe, not Assiniboin, that was another gurrl I know.
I guess that we natives get around :)

One day, I'm hoping to work my way south. See Tonks and Unc again..maybe visit SnP's shelter. So many OTCers, so little time.
Montreal confused me because what little french I know is apparently not really french. Frigging cajuns.
Montreal confused me because what little french I know is apparently not really french. Frigging cajuns.

I know when I took French in grades 8/9/10 ,the teachers said it wasn't the same language spoken in France,so its not just you .They really truly are a "distinct Society". *peepwall*
Pron le biciclet, je ve au marche.

That'd almost make me cringe, until I realized it was Cajun.
Kinda like people from Haiti speaking French - a quasi-creole mishmash.

Frenchmen from France say the same thing when they hear my Boujouale "Street French" which has Anglicisms and merged-words like nuthin' you're likely to hear elsewhere

Prend don ton bike. J'marche moé!
Mon muffler est fucké
"Frenchmen from France say the same thing when they hear my Boujouale "Street French" which has Anglicisms and merged-words like nuthin' you're likely to hear elsewhere " - Mr. Bishop
Mis amigos Mexicanos cringe at my Spanglish, too.
My favorite Cajunism is "Sha fe sho", meaning, "It's hot today"
and when it's REALLY hot out, they say "Sha fe sho' nuff!"
Mis amigos Mexicanos cringe at my Spanglish, too.
My favorite Cajunism is "Sha fe sho", meaning, "It's hot today"
and when it's REALLY hot out, they say "Sha fe sho' nuff!"
Sha fe sho' - Ca fait chaud - pretty damn close to phonetically correct...the 'nuff is a nice addon, eh

Always wondered if Cajun swearing follows French swearing.

In Quebec, it's all blasphemous things (Tabarnac! Calise! Hostie!)...in France, it's like in the Americas (sex-related or bodily functions/malfunctions)