
New Member
Hello, glad to see you made it :wave:

I know JTP from a bookswap site, our chatroom shat the bed and is down until Tuesday so I invited a few hand selected folks over here. He would be the first to arrive.
Everybody be as close to nice as possible as your personality allows.
Hello OT people. I've been using computers at work-FOR work for a few years but just recently got 1st home PC (redundant, I know). One of the 1st things I did was join a book swap club. They have a chat room so I thought I'd give it a try. N00B - you know, can run TerrainNavigator but never sent an Instant Message, got a cellphone but don't know how to TM. Bookclubchat is down, so I'll explore OT a bit and see how y'all do things here. Thanks, Tonksy!
No worries! The sites pretty simple but if you have any questions we are a helpful sort.

J has a really interesting job BTW. Archaeological stuff for the DOT.
Hello, glad to see you made it :wave:

I know JTP from a bookswap site, our chatroom shat the bed and is down until Tuesday so I invited a few hand selected folks over here. He would be the first to arrive.
Everybody be as close to nice as possible as your personality allows.

I'll see what I can do. :la:

Welcome JTP. Any friend of tonks is, well, a friend of tonks. We'll try not to hold it against you. :D

Anyone who likes to read can't be all bad anyway.
I run/Admin a chat space about them. They're a cheap enough hobby, I guess.
I loved my Arch courses from Uni...tho' I'm more a student of Socio/Anthro.
I run/Admin a chat space about them. They're a cheap enough hobby, I guess.
I loved my Arch courses from Uni...tho' I'm more a student of Socio/Anthro.
Wait a minute- RPG- are we talking about rocket-propelled grenades?:retard:
Guess not... Role Playing Games (D&D and all that)

Tho' oddly enough, I had an interest in the more explosive RPGs..including the simply astounding, GMG (Grenade Machine Gun). I helped sell'em :D
Too many abbreviations- too many 17 year-old nightmares- forgive the PTSD- Rpg's were a tanker's constant concern- that and "friendly" fire. Think I'll go lay down now.
Guess not... Role Playing Games (D&D and all that)

Tho' oddly enough, I had an interest in the more explosive RPGs..including the simply astounding, GMG (Grenade Machine Gun). I helped sell'em :D
Had a roomate in college who was over the top on the RPG's you're talking about- D&D and what not. Never could get into it myself, although we had some chess and Risk marathons. Nowadays it's down to chump-change poker with my fellow digbots. Are you a native Canuck? (Hope you don't find that term offensive- not meant to be) I think your country is very clean and progressive. Maybe retire there one day.
Translation for non-Cajuns:

"You go ahead and ride the bicycle, I'll just walk, yeah".