More newbie questions and a little followup

Well yeah, you could shut down every time the wind picks up or it starts raining, but think of all the time you'd have to spend away from the puter.


STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm ok. Really.
LastLegionary said:
Aunty Em said:
Nixy said:

LL told me you should always turn off your puter in a storm

Don't you have a surge protector?
Yes but lady, let me tell you, nothing is going to protect you if a few million volts hit that.

I have a hard switch I can flip to instantly disconnect my sanctuary from supplied power. And I do it when I time lightning to be under 4 seconds.

Actually I usually turn off the computers in a thunder storm. But we don't get them that often, wrong atmospheric conditions. ;)
an oft overlooked way of electricity damaging the hardware is through the telephone line, bizarrely. in the event of a thunderstorm unplugging the mains connection and the modem line-in is worth doing, i've seen more than one modem and/or mobo cooked that way.
Another way is to crash your car into the telgraph pole and bring it down like I did last year. :D
rofl, that would do the trip, yes.

or get a 4yo to pull the telephone wires out of the main outdoor box. that would do it too, right, leslie? ;) :D :D
Aunty Em said:
Another way is to crash your car into the telgraph pole and bring it down like I did last year. :D
You brought down a telegraph pole? Gee.... Was everyone OK? :eek:
LastLegionary said:
Aunty Em said:
Another way is to crash your car into the telgraph pole and bring it down like I did last year. :D
You brought down a telegraph pole? Gee.... Was everyone OK? :eek:

Actually it was an electricity pole and I blacked out the village I was staying in for eight hours and blocked the main road. :D

Everybody was fine, it was a glancing blow, the pole was rotten and was left hanging from the overhead cables. We were very lucky it didn't land on the car or I wouldn't be here to talk about it. There was about £600 damage to the car and god knows how many £1000s for the police, fire brigade, emergency electricity team, replacement pole etc. Good job my insurance paid most of it!
ris said:
if you are going to do somehting like that, do it spectacularly. :hairbang: :D :D

I think it was the most excitment that had happened in the village for years - they won't forget me in a hurry! :D

Ruined my never-had-a-car-crash record though. :(
Unless you have a UPS with a phone line port, shut it down during storms.

Even then, consider it if things are really bad.