

New Member
After a year of not receiving a single virus, I've been sent Bugbear by three different people in the last week. The propogation on this baby must be seriously nasty. Keep your eyes open, folks.
HomeLAN said:
After a year of not receiving a single virus, I've been sent Bugbear by three different people in the last week. The propogation on this baby must be seriously nasty. Keep your eyes open, folks.
I've never actually received a virus in my email. lol. I guess I'm lucky. Thanks for the warning.
I found about five of these in the past couple of months. Every one of them i found before my virus program did. For awhile i thought someone was trying to get some payback by sending me these things.
I've always got Norton running, plus my isp scans all me email in and out as well. I've never gotten a virus with this ISP. They also just recently started a Junk Mail filter. I really like this.
What were the details on it guys? I heard that it can take all forms of subject lines, etc. What was the attachment supposed to be, a screen saver?
I've had it come through as a .exe and a .scr. It can apparently use a .vbs as well.

I guess this little bastard goes through your sent messages file and kicks a copy of itself to everybody in there. Nice.

I've avoided getting infected, but I'm tired of having to spend all this time scanning (I HATE running av in the background).
i've been sent 2 this year, bugbear was about 3 weeks ago. norton caught it a mile off.

thanks :)
I find that with the junk mail filter that I used it would sometimes take out emails that I actually wanted to get. Does that ever happen?
They quarantine anything questionable, then I have to go to a website and approve or disapprove of each. The ones I disapprove just go away, the ones I approve of will automatically go through from then on.
Yeah, for a long time I had a problem with a newsletter where every month it got put in the Junk Mail folder even though I put it on the "Not Junk Mail" list.
So far, *crosses fingers* it's been working really good. Funny thing is, this email address had recieved zero junk emails until about a month before they put this filter in place, then I started getting about 2 a day.
had a scr file attached some time ago...well...i never open those...i never open mail i don't know from whom they come from :)

good habit :)