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  1. G

    SPRING whooo

    Now that I can actually do veggies, I'm a little iffy about it. I keep hearing about all the diseases, fungus, blight, pests and all that that can decimate a veggie garden. I know it's going to be trial and error when I do get around to it, but I think I might just visit my neighborhood farms...
  2. G

    SPRING whooo

    What's happening by you? You tending to your soil at all in your parts? The forsythia is just about done blooming, as are the daffodils. Each day I come home and find something else I didn't know I had. The cherry trees, magnolias and dogwoods are in peak here. I can't believe how many...
  3. G

    Childhood memories

    Wow, RC cola. On the few times I was allowed to drink soda as a kid, it was usually RC. Does anyone know what an egg cream is or is that strictly a NY thing? My Mom used to love them when she was a kid and used to make them for us too.
  4. G

    Why are we so literal?

    RW and facts I can understand. I know it's not possible to have an opinion without documentation there. ;-) But if I type "your" instead of "you're" and you know what I mean, I don't see the need to make an example out of it. I think I'm a pretty darn good speller, but I've been corrected...
  5. G


    It has to be near impossible to think this way right now but when I see a rock-bottom situation, which it sounds like you are in, I also see an opportunity. You are stripped down to the core. Which means you can rebuild from here. There seems to be only one thought & action worse than this...
  6. G

    Why are we so literal?

    After being away for a while, I had forgotten how literal OTC can be. Why is that? What's the desired impact of correcting people on their choice of words, facts, spelling & grammar? Do you really think that helps them? Because it's a way to show superiority, that you think you know more...
  7. G

    Childhood memories

    I still stare in wonder when I see lightning bugs. My brother used to mash them on his skin to make it glow. :( I remember being fascinated by cicadas (we called them locusts) and I would collect them off the trees while they were still in their brown shells and watch them hatch. I was...
  8. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Thanks again everyone! :hug: I had dinner with my parents last week and had to show them. I said, I have something to tell you that you're not going to like. My father said YOU'RE PREGNANT! :laugh: I said noooOOOooooo! So I made my Dad repeat something he always used to tell use as...
  9. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Thank you guys. :eyemouth: And thank you to those who are looking and refraining from saying negative things. That's very nice of you. :)
  10. G

    6 years is a long time...

    I just miss people. Mufu/ipmoof and ris. And I shouldn't say this. But I miss pre-problems Justintime and the MSN conversations that we would all have. One day in particular with Les, Ku'u, Luis, Justin... all about sexual terms. :laugh3: Remember the chats we had? flurff in particular...
  11. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    DAY 1: DAY 2: DAY 3:
  12. G

    name this song

    He skedaddled right about the time I came back. Heeeeey wait a second...:eek6:
  13. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    TONKS!! HI!!! :wave: I don't know anyone who has only one tattoo except my father. Everyone else has gotten more and more and more. :D Which is why I wanted to plan a "theme" rather than just one piece. I'm excited... four days to go!!
  14. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Thaaaanks. :headbng2: Placement is purely logistical. I was thinking of wrinkles, skin sagging as I get older. Should I want more tattoos later, it's a larger canvas where I can surround the main tattoo with others in the same theme. It's one of the least painful places to get a tattoo...
  15. G


    Do you like thrillers? If so, try the books Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child wrote together. Also Jeffrey Deaver and Patricia Cornwell.
  16. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    I got my stencil last week. Black/dark green background for a good contrast. The petals will be the same color blue as the photo above. The stamens will be blue on their tips, like the picture, orange on the middle, and yellow at the center. This is the night of the stencil: With...
  17. G

    We adopted a cat

    While I'm not a cat person (and am allergic to boot), I must admit that he's a pretty fellow. I hope he gets used to you and becomes friendly towards you soon! :)
  18. G

    PT is old

    Happy Birthday PT! :trippin::trippin::trippin::dance::dance::dance: :hbd: :dance::dance::dance::trippin::trippin::trippin:
  19. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    2minkey, I think that's very smart of you. ;) BoP, that's what my friend has been saying - that you get used to it after a while. Good thing, my first appointment will probably be two hours. I've read that that area is not as painful as others, like the inside of the wrist. Gonz, don't be...
  20. G

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Can't do it. They don't tattoo anyone drunk or high and don't allow topical anesthetics to be applied to your skin beforehand. My friend, her sister, and two of her friends have been going to the same shop for years. To give you an idea of my threshold for pain, when I was studying to be a...