Stem Cell cure for HIV

Gonz there is NO linkage between the two
(only in your mind)

if it's legal to murder babies then
when they are scraped out regardless
of the way it was paid for, the gook
should be used instead of thrown away

If you want to make abortion illegal again
yer a nutcase, that cat got out of the bag in 73

Now Let's think about why the Govt. has a right
to a large percentage of your income...
Article 1 said:
Section 8
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

When did they change the meaning of promote?
When did they change the meaning of promote?

When did they change the meaning of "life"?

The Declaration of Independence states our God-given rights are: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

The Fourteenth Amendment states: "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". Tell me, what acts of crimes have the unborn committed?
When did they change the meaning of "life"?

Since the Declaration does not officially declare US Government authority, it can't be used (though that phrase has had me re-thinking my stance on abortion)

The Fourteenth Amendment states: "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". Tell me, what acts of crimes have the unborn committed?

Nor shall any does not include the egg donor
Gonz there is NO linkage between the two
(only in your mind)

if it's legal to murder babies then
when they are scraped out regardless
of the way it was paid for, the gook
should be used instead of thrown away

If you want to make abortion illegal again
yer a nutcase, that cat got out of the bag in 73

Now Let's think about why the Govt. has a right
to a large percentage of your income...

There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. In order for stem cells to be taken from the embryo, it must be alive, however, once the stem cells are taken it will kill it.
When did they change the meaning of "life"?

The Declaration of Independence states our God-given rights are: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".

The Fourteenth Amendment states: "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". Tell me, what acts of crimes have the unborn committed?
No crime... they just haven't been "born" yet. They have the same "rights" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as any living hunk of tissue in your or my body.
They have the same "rights" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as any living hunk of tissue in your or my body.

A right to life only exists once life exists? Well, when is that? Conception? 3 months? 6 months? pre-birth or post- only?
personally, I've always considered it late term.
(when the fetus might Possibly be able to survive outside the mother, without exceptional aid)

Lately though I've seem to come to be somewhat more sympathetic to the
idea of "at fertilization".
Seems likely to me that if fertilization happens, it might be the will of a higher power.
I beleive it's at fertilization. Simply because, 2 humans came together (pardon the pun) & had their respective parts do their thing. It can be nothing but a human child. However, the fetus is not viable until about 7 months. Not a lot of spontaneous miscarriages that far down the road. Shouldn't be many (any?) abortions then either.
Re: Confidential medical services are good for you.

Again Gonz
killin' babies has been legal since 1973

It's like Michelle Osambo sez:
"We can't just leave it up to the parents"

In Cali a 12 year old girl can get her
Confidential medical services rendered
during the school day with the parents none
the wiser.

So what's yer fricken problem with that?

the parents of pregnant 12 year-old are obviously very shitty parents. they've already vastly neglected their parental duties, and a surrender their parental rights is at least implied. shit, if their 12 year-old is pregnant, obviously they don't give a hoot about the kid, and perhaps shouldn't have any parental rights. more or less idiocracy incarnate, huh?
Since the Declaration does not officially declare US Government authority, it can't be used (though that phrase has had me re-thinking my stance on abortion)

I would hope that your criterion for morality does not rest upon our founding documents.

According to RvWade, no.

Do you suppose that RbWade is unconstitutional? The Court even admits that it cannot "…resolve the difficult question of when life begins…the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer." They cite inconvenience for the mother as to the justification.
No crime... they just haven't been "born" yet. They have the same "rights" to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as any living hunk of tissue in your or my body.

But a fetus is not just "any living hunk of tissue". It is substantially different than all others. It is also genetically complete at conception. This means that no change is taking effect, only development occurs.