Michael Vick press conference

I went to bed Posty :p

It's been answered.

Long weeks & trolls don't make a good Friday, eh? ;)
It was Posty all along playing at some little game.

Posty: per your assertion that you have been here longer than Gonz...

Incorrect. You signed up in the initial wave like the rest of us. He has an employee stap of #40. You are #72.

Unless you have some alt ID that you initially signed up with within the first three hours of the boards inception....
Why is everyone all on edge around here? Try to have a bit of fun and everyone seems to get miffed at the slightest thing.
Probably because you came off like a know-it-all asshole. How the fuck are we supposed to know it was apparently all in humor?
Sorry... you were talking to markjs. I shoulda backread it. Markjs has an employee number of 117... which only puts him behind by like 5 days at best.

Sorry to be touchy... but the spambots, trolls, tards have been pouring out of the woodwork lately. The things you were mentioning (like link banning) has been applied to all new accounts under (x) posts and (x) time to prevent professional spammers and salesmen from hawking their wares. So far it has done pretty well. We are the fastest spamkillers this side of HWC.
Yeah I thought the start date on this board was April 2002. But to some I suppose 5 days could be contrued as a lot longer...Maybe I missed a damn exciting 5 days?
MJS, Those first five days really were something to behold. I swear that there were about 80 people posting for 36 hours straight. People were averaging like 100 posts a day back then. I think Justintime had like 360 on the first day alone.