Things that make you think of other members


Staff member
So, what makes you think of other members when you see it??

For me it's the following:

I think of Unc when I see Kosher Coke or Kosher Ketchup because I know he can eat those but can't have the regular stuff.

I think of Tonks when I see those little plastic-y asian slip on sandals

I think of Altron when I see the Rockport store at the mall here

I think of Greenfreak when I see Orchids
I think of Prof when I'm around beer conesouirs (which is often cause I am an engineer and as a general rule engineers love beer)

I think of Gonz when I see things about home schooling
I think of Prof when I see Yeti in the store or that can of Mongoose in my fridge.
I think of Paul whenever I see one of my copies of either Illusions or a book in the Sword of Truth series.
I think of Ku'u and Na when I see a Hula girl.
I think of Ash when I see bats (and I thought of how happy she would be when we but up our bat box).
And I think of BoP when I misplace my pants.
I think of ME, when i see cats.:rolleyes:

I think of Bish, when i see anything church related.
I think of Sharky when i see anything shark related.
I think of Inky when I see a terrible pun.

Y'all better think of me when you see the flag, or I'm gonna have to step it up a little...
Y'all better think of me when you see the flag, or I'm gonna have to step it up a little...

Actually, I think of someone I know IRL who has never, as far as I know, been to the southeast. You're a very close second though, I swear.
I think of Chic whenever I have a question about classic rock or anything pre-90's....oh! And whener I see a roomba because I'm still jealous.
I think of Inky when I see a terrible pun.

Y'all better think of me when you see the flag, or I'm gonna have to step it up a little...

I was gonna say that I think of you when people mention or I see something to do with the Dukes of Hazzard (because of the car with the flag) but I didn't know if being associated with that movie would offend you :shrug:

Tonks: I want a roomba so bad!!!
I wouldn't mind a roomba if they were larger. Being a mere frisbee in size means that the dirt trap is no larger than a golf ball 3-pack... which would be filled up here in half a rug.
I wouldn't mind a roomba if they were larger. Being a mere frisbee in size means that the dirt trap is no larger than a golf ball 3-pack... which would be filled up here in half a rug.

I have a long-haired dog and two cats that live inside. You have to empty the trap after each room, but it typically needs to be recharged after a room (150+ sq. ft.) anyway, so it's not a problem. Once you start running it twice per week in the high traffic rooms, you only have to empty it every few days.

BTW, emptying takes less than two minutes.

If it were larger it wouldn't be so unobtrusive.
When I get into being able to keep my floors free of clutter I'll consider a roomba
I think I just need to replace an entire wall with 20 industrial attic fans. That way I can just flick a switch and watch as everything lighter that a dinnerplate gets sucked out and thrown onto the lawn. Roomba, eat your heart out.

The cats that still have claws might have a fighting chance of avoiding the shredder.
I think of Paul when I see a bottle of Disaronno or a wedge of double diamond black cheddar.

I think of Les when I see a casino.

I think of spike when I tune into the spike channel on TV.

I think of Prof when I see Stone Mountain.
I didn't know Pauly loves him some Amaretto!!! I LOVE me some Amaretto too!