
Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Well, after all this time I've finally imploded.

10 days ago I got a letter from the DWP telling me they are stopping my incapacity benefit...the final straw... I had a serious anxiety attack and completely flipped out so my doctor wouldn't let me leave the surgery until the Psychiatic Crisis Team came round to make sure I wasn't going to do something silly.

The upshot being I have finally stopped clinging onto the cliff face of sanity by my fingernails and decended into a major depression. Not that I'm feeling too bad right now as the nice doctor gave me some pwiddy tablets to take, although this is probably the first day since that I've been able to string 2 words together without slurring them.

I'm still feeling very tired, not very interested in eating and my motivation is non-existent, but I'm not feeling suicidal... so I suppose that's something.
Would this be a bad time to question state run medical care?

Aunty said:
so my doctor wouldn't let me leave the surgery
Surgery? Did I miss something?
Why are they stopping your incapacity benefit?

Cos I only scored 13 points instead of 15 on their scale of incapacity, but most of the reasons they gave were incorrect. I can't do much of what they said I could, e.g. apparently I can kneel down, but I haven't been able to do that since 1984 when my leg was crushed. Plus they completely ignored my mental state... I don't think they can do that now.

If their reasons had been truthful, then I would have accepted them, but they aren't, so I'm appealing and I will go to tribunal if I have to.

Gonz said:
Surgery? Did I miss something?

Her office. I don't know what you call it over there, but we call it the doctor's surgery.

It's also nothing to do with medical care, it's the state run benefits system. Department of Work and Pensions... they're seperate. I can still be sick or disabled but be deemed fit enough to work by them apparently. I flipped because they stopped my money last Tuesday and I didn't know till Thursday, so right now I have no income.

Problems with my finances are very stressful and guarenteed to cause massive panic attacks which I have little control over. This one pushed me over the edge and 19 years of severe stress and anxiety have finally caught up with me.

Although I'm wondering why I didn't give in earlier, cos these selective serotonin reuptake inibitors are pretty good stuff (citalopram) and by next week I may not care about this at all. LOL
Her office. I don't know what you call it over there, but we call it the doctor's surgery.

Surgery, here, is an act performed by the doctor when they cut you open. Going to the ofice is called an office visit (or an appointment)
This one pushed me over the edge and 19 years of severe stress and anxiety have finally caught up with me.

It has to be near impossible to think this way right now but when I see a rock-bottom situation, which it sounds like you are in, I also see an opportunity. You are stripped down to the core. Which means you can rebuild from here. There seems to be only one thought & action worse than this and I really hope you don't do that. You would make myself and many others here very sad and sorrowful at our loss of you.

Hang in there Em. xoxoxo