
New Member
Welcome to OTC! Enjoy it here :)


EDIT: Sorry, I forgot about the perpetual welcome thing... :crap:

WOW, check out the new forum. :D

*stands and admires the lobby*

The walls are a little bare, though. Needs a few posters or something.

*goes to get blue-tac*
Wow, I feel loved *waves* :)

Was lurking around for a few weeks, and now thought I´d drop by.

*Tosses around austrian sweets and beer*
Pez Dispenser said:
*Tosses around austrian sweets and beer*

Hmmm, Yep, you can stay. Welcome aboard. Are you a BitchSlapper or a Nipple Twister, it's time to make your allegiances.
they don't make Pez dispensers like they did when I was a kid ... *sigh* ... can you look into that, please?

and welcome aboard .. bring beer .. and Pez ... and enjoy the flight :headbang:
Oh shit, we already drank all the beer they brought us. Quick! Hide the cans from Nalani.

Hi Nalani! Can you believe they haven't brought any beer yet?
Pez Dispenser said:
Im male, 25, and of course my native tongue is german, so please bear with my spelling and vocabulary :rolleyes:

don't worry, people in here is nice. :D
my first language is spanish.