Welcome Gaunt!!


Please welcome another Everquest buddy... Gaunt. :D He needs a crash course in who is who and what the regulations are regarding the use of :brow: and :trout: I will let him introduce himself. :p

by the way WIZARD POWER!!![/siz]
Hey Gaunt. Just posted in the perpetual thread then saw this one. i'm a newbie but I'm enjoying this place enormously. Hope you do the same.
Rules??? haven't seen much thats out of bounds... :D I'll let the vets clue you in.
:trout: is under my jusisdiction but if ya talk nice and learn to give good nipple twists I'm sure I'll let ya use it sometimes...

:brow: is under Scanty's jurisdiction and improper use of it results in hefty punishments.

Oh yeah.....there's that thing called the AUP too. I've never read it. Luis has to point it out though cause he's a mod :rolleyes:


Hey guys, thanks for the welcome. It's going to take a little while to get used to this format, I've been brought up on eZboard.
Hey, finally another Illinois guy here! (other than someone who shall remain nameless and banned for everyone's sake) Where in Central Illinois are you? I go to Bloomington at least 3 times a year and many other places down south (just FYI, I live within 1 mile of O'Hare Airport, good thing my house isn't in a flight pattern otherwise it'd be very noisy here), and I hope to go to Champaign to catch a Bears game this year. Welcome Gaunt!
I live in Champaign actually, right across from the stadium. It's great, on game days I can hear the crowd cheering live while watching the game on TV. :D