Transformers 2


molṑn labé
Staff member
The first one was a pleasant surprise. Not great filmmaking but an interesting toy story.

Revenge of the Fallen just doesn't quite cut it. A workable script, if the action wasn't so overwhelming & teh actors so goofy. Action, just to have action. Noise, explosions, crashes, fighting...most of which was time-fill.

Wait for DVD.
I'll wait for it to show up on TNT. I thought the first one was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. At least what I was able to stay awake for.
The first one was a pleasant surprise. Not great filmmaking but an interesting toy story.

Revenge of the Fallen just doesn't quite cut it. A workable script, if the action wasn't so overwhelming & teh actors so goofy. Action, just to have action. Noise, explosions, crashes, fighting...most of which was time-fill.

Wait for DVD.

Shia Labeouf goofy? I think you give him entirely too much credit. Also i'd just like to mention that in my considered opinion, any movie which features Megan Fox in which she doesn't get substantially naked is a waste of her main talent. That said, I still enjoy special effects driven action movies. I saw the first one on cable, I'll wait for this one.
I downloaded a Cam (i.e. screener).
It wasn't worth the price, heh heh
The first movie was marginal, this one
a flaming piece of Bat Guano.
I must agree with Mr. Pedantic
The ONLY talent Ms. Fox has wasn't utilized.
But then she’s got her self all marked up with tats
perhaps that had something to do with it?

Now if they can just get her to keep her mouth shut?