The Primaries


Well-Known Member
well it is looking like Gingrich and Paul are pretty much done for.

Seems it going to be Santorum, and Romney down the home stretch.

I guess I'll have to get on the Santorum wagon soon.
hmm. santorum. so you think the government should regulate our morals huh?

no minx finds regulating morals as fruitless and annoying as regulating business.

it's time this country started behaving like an adult.

and for the record maddow is an obvious victim of a very specific and vile orthodoxy. er, no, scratch victim. how about "loyal subject?"
Yea, he'll tell you not to fuck your buttbuddies because that's how he is. :rolleyes:
You would want to jump onto this?

I didn't sat I liked it, just that that may be the way it may be.

Eeeeeven if it IS Romney, I'll be voting Rep.

My choices are somewhat rverse of the numbers atm. I'd go..
then Romney

But like I said...I Will be voting for one of them.
Gingrich is no one iota better than Obama. Big government guy with progressive beliefs. He does know how to talk the talk though. Great debater & he fits his message thoroughly to his current crowd. However, if you watch his actions & listen to him when he's not on the stump, he thinks government is the answer.
don't remeber if I saw a post, but...
Who do you like the most of um?

The only reason I like the 'idea' of Gingrich is that he got so much done when he was speaker.
Gingrich is no one iota better than Obama. Big government guy with progressive beliefs. He does know how to talk the talk though. Great debater & he fits his message thoroughly to his current crowd. However, if you watch his actions & listen to him when he's not on the stump, he thinks government is the answer.

i see you are waiting for the perfect candidate.

suggest that until you find that person, you abstain from voting.

i'll send cato by to tell you when recess is over.

if winky shows up again, have an adult call the police immediately.
By the way minkey, thank you for voting for Hope & Change. We don't need perfect candidates when we have you voting for Obama.
yeah, i made all the republican candidates undesirable. :retard:

what would life be like for you if you could only blame yourself? must be kinda frustrating being a victim all the time.
perhaps through your extensive narratives of "if only they'd get out of our way?"

there are always obstacles. most of them are silly, and don't make a difference if you really work hard at something.

well it is looking like Gingrich and Paul are pretty much done for.

Seems it going to be Santorum, and Romney down the home stretch.

I guess I'll have to get on the Santorum wagon soon.

Paul is in no way done.

Delegates awarded as of right now:

Romney: 87
Santorum: 35
Gingrich: 32
Paul: 13