The party of NO


Well-Known Member
now which party was that again...

looks like it's the Dems again on this round...

Senate Rejects House Stopgap Bill Over Disaster Aid Dispute

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The Democratic-led Senate blocked a House-passed bill on Friday that would provide disaster aid and keep government agencies open, escalating the parties' latest showdown over spending and highlighting the raw partisan rift that has festered all year.

In a tit-for-tat battle, the Senate first used a near party-line vote of 59-36 to derail the measure from the Republican-run House. The House bill would fund federal agencies and provide $3.7 billion in disaster assistance, partly paying for that aid with cuts in two loan programs that finance technological development.
the funny part is that the thing the dems don't wanna drop might actually be - hold your breath - a useful program (loans for tech development). without various forms of government assistance in tech, we'd still be using rotary phones and fighting wars with WWII-era equipment...
Look back. That's not our record. Did Getty need government funds? How much did the US taxpayer invest with Edison? Ford still prefers private capital.

Only modern "capitalists" use federal funds. Ever feel like you're living in an Ayn Rand novel? If not, you're not paying attention.
um, right. there are plenty of examples of innovation without government help. there are also plenty of examples of poorly planned major appliance purchases, but strangely those incidents don't really define us. we are not a nation of lousy appliance purchasers. there's a little more to the story than that.

you want me to brush up on my history, with respect to industry and technology in the US...?


fortunately i do not feel like i am living in ayn rand's comic book.
um, right. there are plenty of examples of innovation without government help.

You got it. Cool.

Step us where the federal government has authority
to provide monies to any individual or group. Taxes are designed
to pay for wholly-owned goods. Fee's (they are still taxes) are
designed to pay for selective governmental bureaus. Nowhere
does it say...hand cash to an inventor.

Wanna know why? This is an example of government crony-capitalism.
Are you willing to guess where much of that excessive outlay went? I bet a billion dollar camapign likes it.
crony capitalism will exist wherever there is capitalism. unless we want to set limits on how much wealth and influence one person may legally obtain, and you can totally defeat humans acting in rational self interest, well hey, sign me up for... nah, that's icky too.

it's like you can snap your fingers and your golden ideals will suddenly become real. at that point you cold send your kiddies to public schools! because private schools would be illegal. can't have anyone taking advantage of ability to pay, or daddy's connections.

wow man sounds like socialist paradise! all inheritances will be seized!!!!
legally obtain!!

I doubt that a five hundred million dollar federal grant/loan was intended to partially go into the pockets of a politician who was directly involved in the initial exchange. In fact, that is illegal. Which kills your entire post.
no ace it simply illustrates that people aren't the cartoon jesus bots you seem to assume.

you realize you're also reacting to one dimension of your own la-la land and declaring its invalidity, right? well shit hoss, you done just crushed papa surf's house. the tragedy is that you think it's real enough to react to. windmills, girlfriend.