The mission of Powell in the Mideast



What are your thoughts about the Secretary of State visiting the Mideast? Do you think it will have a positive influence on bringing peace to the region or should the US have kept their nose out of what is going on?

My biggest fear is that the suicide bombers with strike in the US. I think that the US getting involved could actually be bad for us folks here in the USA. What do you think?
I agree, i also think that Blair's getting a bit too involved with World matters, puts Britain at risk as well! :(
My dad travels the subways alot, one day there was a bomb scare, i honestly think i would go mad if he was killed in any attacks! :mad: god this world is sooo mad these days :(
I know and the scary part is that things are likely to get worse.
It's a pretty sticky subject. Quite a few people think the US shouldn't have even retaliated for the WTC attacks for the same reason - it is just putting American citizens at further risk. I don't really agree, but it's certainly a valid concern.

I think that Americans will be at risk as long as there are terrorist that consider the US to be an enemy. Since there is pretty much no hope of convincing Middle Eastern terrorists that the US should no be an enemy, the only other option is to try to get rid of the terrorists. Not an ideal solution, but it's not an ideal world.

About Powell... the US is involved now, there's no going back, for better or worse. Our only option is to try to proceed with understanding and patience; these people have been at war for three thousand years, we're not going to solve the problem this month.

That said, it does worry me. Arabs don't think the US should be involved at all, and for the most part, they have a point. They don't care if we think we have no choice but to move forward... to them, we are simply continuing to interfere, and will remain a target because of it.

What can you do?
You should have seen the grin on my face when I turn on the T.V. up here in Canada and hear "The U.S. has commenced bombing of Afghanistan." :D

How could you not retalitate? Those fuckers killed nearly 3,000 people. You have to get tough with them, don't be push overs, kick their asses!!
While I think our response was appropriate, I also realize that things are never as simplistic as we wish to make them. It was not an easy decision I'm sure, but I think it was the correct one. It may bring more terrorist attacks on the US in the future, but how many did it circumvent? Such questions are difficult to ever answer, but someone had to make a decision, and I'm glad it was to bomb a few terrorists.
i was glad they retailated, but at the same time scared, you can't ever go back once you've done something like that, and i really hope WW3 ain't happenin in my time!
WW3? I think all it would take is for the USA and Russia to launch a few nukes at each other... that would have Canada and Britain and a hella lot of other's bombing Russia'a ass, and of course the other communists and terrorists would help Russia...

Did I say communist? Russia isn't communist... or so they'd have you believe. ;)
I have a stash in my basement. ;)

We'd use your bombs, silly. And we'd buy planes from you to. Of course we always FIX THEM UP after the purchase and scratch the "Made in the USA" off the side. :D
Powell is there to get Israel to back off so the US has permission to go kick Saddams ass without having the rest of the middle-east fight with him.

Pure PR
If it comes to happen, I wonder what will be of Iraq. Who would you put in his place. His major opposition seems to be the fundamentalists... I can see a new Afeghanistan rising...
I shall grant peace upon the Earth, which I made, as soon as you people, which I made in mine own image, begin taking my words seriously. There may be various incarnations of MY WORD, and with exception, they are correct enough to follow.

Until that day, there can be no peace, for MAN forbids his own destiny. HE is responsible for the life he leads. If you'd follow my word you'd realize I told a certain Noah that many eons ago.:biker:
