So, you think there is life on other planets??

*flames sb's christian ass* hehehe

I totally respect your position. There are those who believe differently though .. not saying either is right or wrong, just that there is a difference in opinions on the subject world-wide.

The thing you said about faith .. believing in the bible and the words within it, being guided by the Lord .. that's the same way I sorta feel about life outside the earth. If we look at it from a christian point of view, should we not also assume that perhaps He gave life to other planets as well, not exactly the same as ours, but life nonetheless? And perhaps they, in turn, have their own "version" of the bible .. and they believe as well that they are the only life forms in the galaxy because we are not mentioned in their bible as they are not mentioned in ours.

Again, I need to restate that I'm not saying you're wrong or right - or anyone is wrong or right. Yes, I believe that the possibility for life outside of earth exists ... I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes the tunnel we look through is wider than we thought ...

damn .. I think I need a beer cause I just reread what I posted and I ain't making any sense even to my own damned self ... *gr*

sorry for he confusion y'all .. disregard anything my sorry butt has to say *L*
There's a scientific way of justifying a hypothesis. It's not by proving it right, but by proving it wrong.

My hypothesis: There is no life except on earth.

My hypothesis is correct until proven wrong. ;)
Originally posted by sbcanada
Originally posted by Justintime
dude, take your head outta the book and look at the facts, the bible was written by man, man thinks and believes hes special, he ain't! just another piece of biological goop in the eyes of the universe ;)

The Bible was written by the apostles, and God put it in their head what to write. It's a matter of faith. If you don't believe, that's fine, but don't go saying it's a bunch of crap.

I guess you believe in Evolution and Science huh? Well if all cells arise from pre-existing cells, where the fuck did the first cell come from? It just magically appeared? I don't fucking think so. Take your head outa your "modern-ape ass." :grumpy:

SB, before you go making all us christians look bad, get your facts straight. The Apostles did NOT write the Bible. Most of it was written before they were a gleam in their daddies' eyes. Secondly, It's been translated so many times that taking any meaning from it without looking for misinterpretations is an invitation to be laughed at. Third, if you read the bible with an ear for science, it makes perfect sense. Genesis espescially makes sense. You just nned to remember that MEN wrote the Bible. They might have been told what to write, but they wrote it. and they wrote it using the only words they had.
Originally posted by Justintime
Originally posted by nalani

I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes the tunnel we look through is wider than we thought ...


I could not have put it better myself :)

I'm sooo glad I made sense to someone ... but wait .. I made sense to Justintime - does that count? :D

just kidding, brother *smooch*
Originally posted by Professur

SB, before you go making all us christians look bad, get your facts straight. The Apostles did NOT write the Bible. Most of it was written before they were a gleam in their daddies' eyes. Secondly, It's been translated so many times that taking any meaning from it without looking for misinterpretations is an invitation to be laughed at. Third, if you read the bible with an ear for science, it makes perfect sense. Genesis espescially makes sense. You just nned to remember that MEN wrote the Bible. They might have been told what to write, but they wrote it. and they wrote it using the only words they had.

Are you trying to tell me that the Apostle Paul did not write some of the Bible?
Your post implied that they were the only writers. They wrote a short part of the new testament. Not the whole thing.
You can't say there is other life in the universe until you have seen it. I stand by my earlier scientific thesis: There is no life except on earth.

Go ahead and prove my thesis wrong, until then, it stands. ;)
Originally posted by sbcanada
You can't say there is other life in the universe until you have seen it. I stand by my earlier scientific thesis: There is no life except on earth.

So where would you put heaven, hell and purgatory?
In my personal opinion, the Bible is proof of how impressionable human's minds are especially if they see something they don't understand. People used to think that the planets were gods flying around in the sky and that the earth was flat. Science has disproved those theories and will eventually disprove the theory that there is no intelligent life out there. In the countless number od solar systems there has to be more than just us.

Wile the questions is still certainly open, as even scientists differ in opinions on just how likely or prevalent life and/or intelligent life is, I usually take sentiments like yours to be close minded.

Even if you look at the Universe through religious eyes, there is plenty of room for life on other worlds. The Bible does not exclude the possibility.

In fact, it's much the same as your "hypothesis." I say that the Bible allows there to be life elsewhere, because it doesn't explicitly say that there isn't. Now, you "prove" that there isn't, using just the Bible (since that is the basis of the hypothesis).


Oh, and yes... I believe in evolution. Evolution is as well established a theory as relativity and quantum theory (and the anlogy is fitting... while we may find things that modify QM or relativity, they will exist as a subset or simplification of the greater theory... so can evolution be modified by observations and experiments, but proving it wrong is just beyond reason). There is a perfectly rational answer to your question "where did the first cell come from," but it is not exactly easy for a lot of people to grasp, let alone believe (Christians especially).

That is a topic for another thread though. Maybe sometime, we can discuss it.
one would have to be blind to see that evolution was not proven true already. What about Dinosaurs? early mammals? fossil evidence of not only them, but of mans developments through the eons, are the scientists/archeologists etc. having us on a huge joke?
Originally posted by nodnod
In my personal opinion, the Bible is proof of how impressionable human's minds are especially if they see something they don't understand.

Dude, i like the way you think! :)
Well, though I believe in evolution, you have to be careful of how you say things. As Godel showed, you can never "prove" a theory true (unless it's a simple prediction that can be verified by observation) within any given system of axioms.

What this means, in short, is that no amount of observation and experimentation can ever prove evolution to be absolutely, irrefutably, true. Such supporting evidence can however remove all logical doubt, and it then falls into the category of "fact" as acknowledged by science.

And evolution clearly falls into that category.