Pres. will Not uphold Oath

Don't worry Cat, he's only keeping those most likely to vote for him
The pres. breaking his oath up uphold the law....
Would that be considered a misdemeanor, or a felony?
thinking of those you disagree with politically as 'criminal' (or better yet treasonous) is an obvious sign of fascism.

live the dream kids.
IF yer political opponent IS a felon
and is behaving in a treasonous manner
then if you mention it clearly you are a
racist fascist bigoted homophobe
or mebbe yer just a Bronie

I didn't say I agreed or disagreed.
What is the law? That's the question.

ummmmkay right, "won't uphold the oath" does not indicate an opinion at all..? seems to me you've already concluded something wrong was done and needs to be answered with some kind of sanction.

if you want to know the law, you might want to try looking it up. you're as capable as anybody else...
ummmmkay right, "won't uphold the oath" does not indicate an opinion at all..?

Not necessarily, no. Observation of actions/deeds that suport that claim is evidence, not opinion.

Look, here's one now
federal officials made clear that ICE would be selective in responding to the expected rise in calls from Arizona and other police agencies about immigration status. Officials said ICE will not respond to the scene unless the person in question meets certain criteria -- such as being wanted for a felony.


:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
in which he breaks Article 1 Sections 8
so... less tax dollars enforcing stupid, minor shit? especially when folks are moving back to mexico...

wow looks like with Article 1 Section 8 they were already vigorously expanding the federal role. weird....
Say, am I entitled to disregard laws, at my discretion, without fear of reprisal?
if you know you can get away with it, certainly.

wait, you're concerned about corruption... in politics... hmmm that would be novel... no, can't be that...

maybe it's machete you should worry about.

Minks is right an invasion from another country of 20 million democrat voters
that's nothing to be concerned about but the fact that Romney is a felon
now that's a matter of the utmost importance!
yeah that really does seem like you. all those nasty liberals taking your pony. what's a victim to do????