Oath of Office

Do you think the President has violated his oath of office?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • no

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Oaf in Office

His goal from the outset and I'd say he's
succeeded beyond anyone's expectations


Obamacare will never be repealed, we are sliding
down that slippery slope at breakneck speed.

Enjoy the ride Suckas
you are asking two questions.

1. has he violated his oath of office?
2. is he defending the constitution?
everybody works within what they can legally get away with and/or have some legal standing to argue. bush did it too. hmmm... and clinton, and...

you're starting with assumptions very closely tied to a particular viewpoint and maneuvering obama around them.

straw man argument.
Let's see....

DOMA (he ordered Holder to not defend it). As Chief Executive, is he not in charge of the DOJ? So, he failed to execute his pledge to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States"

Obamacare - "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" Show me.
Let's see....


good decision. why waste resources on something that violates the constitution anyway?

wouldn't it be great to get a candidate that was a fiscal tightwad but wasn't a socially maladjusted pig?

get with the program folks. it's all just rock and roll. ain't no threat to your choices.

or are your choices so pathetically fragile such that married fags threatens 'em?

the germans are coming?

the law of the land is that everyone gets to represent their position until someone else feels harmed enough to try to take it down. seems like obama ain't the one getting extrajudicial.

yeah let's just cancel our most foundational rights. and go with what gonz is comfortable with.

you have your 'belief system.' i find it tiresome and linked closely to nostalgia for an age that never existed. things have always been this complicated and shitty, bud.
See, you're confused. I'm not defending DOMA, I'm showing that Obama is explicitly violating his oath of offfice by an express order disregard a law.
For ignoring Article One, Section Eight and using U.S. combat forces to make war upon foreign nations without the necessary Congressional Authority that can only be granted by a formal declaration of war..............

man, I haven't seen that much dancing in a while.

There's only one question on the poll.

Do you think the President has violated his oath of office?

the law of the land is that everyone gets to represent their position until someone else feels harmed enough to try to take it down. seems like obama ain't the one getting extrajudicial.

could my opinion be any more obvious?

there is no dance. but there's a lot of dense.