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Apollo 11 - The Owners' Workshop Manual
Haynes celebrates 40th anniversary of Moon landing

By Lester Haines • Get more from this author

Posted in Space, 10th June 2009 13:24 GMT

DIY vehicle maintenance publisher par excellence Haynes has agreeably decided to mark the forthcoming 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing by releasing a commemorative Apollo 11 Owners' Workshop Manual.

The Haynes Apollo owners' workshop manualOf course, the book doesn't actually invite you to wander down to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC and pop the spark plugs out of the original command module, but it does offer "an insight into the hardware from the first manned mission to land on the moon".

The blurb elaborates: "This manual looks at the evolution and design of the mighty Saturn V rocket, the Command and Service Modules, and the Lunar Module. It describes the space suits worn by the crew and their special life support and communications systems. We learn about how the Apollo 11 mission was flown - from launch procedures to 'flying' the Saturn V and the 'LEM', and from moon walking to the earth re-entry procedure."

Those of you who can remember when it was all fields rounds here will doubtless recall gathering round the telly on 20 July 1969 when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the lunar surface. History does not record whether or not he and Buzz Aldrin were packing an emergency kit of spanners, oil filters and an exploded view of the lunar module's ascent propulsion system. ®



I watched and taped the 'moon landing' when it came on TV a few years ago. The props that were used in explaining the landing were hilarious. At some point, they had a bunsen burner (lit) under a mockup of the lander, decending towards a foam-moon. They almost set it on fire :D