Need some Linux help


OK, I have a Linux machine with two network cards. eth1 serves the LAN and eth0 the cable modem. Is there a way of monitoring traffic? I mean in megabytes transferred? I don't need it to take action, but occasionally I want to check out or download and upload stuff, and it should reset on a monthly basis.
hmmmm, i don't know how to reset it.

ifconfig gives the info in bytes TX/RX. try ifconfig --help and see if there's a way to reset the counters.
ifconfig is very crude, is there a nicer application out there that will give me detailed stats on average and current download speeds, and current traffic this month for in and out?
LastLegionary said:
ifconfig is very crude, is there a nicer application out there that will give me detailed stats on average and current download speeds, and current traffic this month for in and out?

Yes, there is, but I have no idea what it's called. You're probably looking for something like this, which keeps stats on our UT server's network and CPU utilization.

It has more detailed network stats on this page. There's a contact link for the server admin on that page as well... he has used linux for quite a while and might be able to point you in the direction of a genralized network watcher application.
I got a program called ntop. It compiled and installed just fine. You can view the stats by connecting with a web browser to port 3000. :D Here is a screenshot.

Screenshot shrunk to 80% of original size.


ntop.jpg, 231.41kb
