Ind. Law - "No retreat" bill advances


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
Woohoo finally.....

Whether they're breaking into a home or carjacking a vehicle, intruders would be fair game for armed Indianains under a bill that passed a legislative committee.

I always thought it was stupid they had to have their back to you.

Senate Bill 0054

[size=+1]2006 Regular Session[/size]

Handgun licensing. Specifies that a person: (1) is justified in using deadly force; and (2) does not have a duty to retreat; under certain circumstances. Establishes the criminal history data fund. Provides that the period during which an application for the renewal of a handgun license may be filed begins 180 days before the license expires, and specifies that an application for a lifetime handgun license may be filed at any time. Requires the superintendent of the state police (superintendent) and local law enforcement agencies to allow electronic handgun license applications if federal funds are available to establish and maintain an electronic application system. Requires the superintendent to keep on file one set of fingerprints from each applicant if an electronic application system is established. Requires the state to participate in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for firearms sales if federal funds are available. Repeals provisions: (1) specifying a handgun buyer's right to review and correct criminal history information; (2) establishing a criminal penalty for obtaining criminal history information under false pretenses; and (3) establishing a criminal history check fee. Permits a person to apply for and receive a lifetime handgun license. Establishes fees for lifetime handgun licenses. Provides for distribution of lifetime handgun license fees between local law enforcement agencies and the state.
only if you break in to my property, now i dont have to shoot them in the back as they are running from me. they can see it comming now.
Paul I can understand if you don't get it
being Canadian and all...

*chambers a round*
Winky said:
Paul I can understand if you don't get it
being Canadian and all...

*chambers a round*

I get it, If anyone breaks in here, tries to hurt me and mine, I will slowly rip off their extremities and make them eat it. Just no gun, so it will be more...personal.
I don't know if it's here, but It'd be nice to feel more secure.
I know that no trespassing sign I was taking about in the other thread
makes a helluva difference as far as law.

I hope kansas gets something like that soon. The state was working on passing legalizing public concealed carry but the governor vetoed it. But I like your state's idea waaaay more.
I don't understand why it was OK to shoot someone from behind but NOT from the front if they were on your property...I would think it would only be both or just from the front (like if they were coming at you)...never JUST from the back.
That was my question. You could only shoot people who were no direct threat to you? :eek6:
they had to be in the house and on the way out. go figure. i prefer it this way personally. and you had to make sure it was a kill shot. or they could sue.