Gamerz Beware!!!one!1


And in some related news, the final straw just got in:
3D Realms, developer of Duke Nukem Forever, has been shut down, according to a report by Shacknews.

The gaming site said Wednesday evening that a “very reliable source close to the developer” has confirmed that the studio has been shut down, and employees let go, due to “funding issues.”

Shacknews has not yet received a statement from 3D Realms, but got a statement from Apogee Software and Deep Silver, developers of the upcoming Duke Nukem handheld games, that said they were “not affected by the situation at 3D Realms.”

This, of course, confirms that there is indeed a situation. The full story will likely emerge soon as Shacknews gets official confirmation on their anonymous tip.

In development since 1997, Duke Nukem Forever has become the game industry’s longest-running piece of vaporware by a good country mile, winning many Vaporware Awards. Could this be, at last, the death of Duke?
Interesting to think about what their revenues might have been had Duke Nukem Forever ever hit shelves.
What about this poor guy?
