Foreigner's right to privacy?


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
This is the funniest thing I've read in years. When you travel to a foreign country, you can expect some personal privacy, but each country has a right to admit only those travellers it agrees with. What a buncha whiners...:rofl2:
Human rights organisations say it violates foreigners' rights to privacy and could encourage xenophobia.
...didn't see that coming.

Wait til find out they gott;sa takes off them shoes to go inside a house, ...oooo

I got no problem with prints, biometrics, we might of cuaght Hsu and malasian teacher long ago. Got something to hide? ... hide it somewhere else.
Japan isn't run by Americans. How can it be discrimination?

These are the same kinda people that get upset when we want to treat illegal aliens like criminals. know that, in most Japanese households, they provide slippers for the bathroom. Its a running gag in some of those households to let foreigners wear them in other rooms. Quite embarrasing when you discover your faux pas, too. :blush: