Daniel Peter Gardner


New Member
It is with great sorrow that I find my self in the position to let you know that Daniel Peter Gardner (known on this board as "dan") passed away on Wednesday 19th February.

Speaking to his father, I found out that Daniel died as a result of a brain haemorrage, apparently caused by a brain tumour.

Dan was one of my best friends; he was friends with a lot of people, all of whom will miss him dearly.

I'm sorry to notify you of this, but I know that Dan had a lot of friends on this board.

Thank you.

OMG ....dan was one of my favorite people here. I really enjoyed him.:crying4:

Thanks for letting us know, Jon. Please let his family know that he had many friends here that will miss him.

I am so sorry to hear that. He was a good friend to me when I needed someone.

Please let his family know that I am thinking of them and will miss him dearly...
Man, Im in shock here. jon, i am very sorry for the loss. We will miss him here as well. adding his family into my prayers.
:crying3: wow....I can't believe I'm reading this. So sorry to hear this Jon. I appreciated Dan's presence at OTC. We'll miss him....Please accept and pass on our condolences for you and his family. If you should get the chance, Let us know an address we can send cards too.

Sam/fury, Can we quickly coordinate a collection for flowers to send from OTC?
already working on it. will use the paypal , so if people want to use the donate button that is fine to replenish it.
My condolences to their family and to you as well Jon, i don't know what it feels to lose a friend, i've only dreamt of that, and it feels terrible.

Thank you so much for all the messages; I'm sure he'll be logging in from the great rig in the sky from time to time :)

As regards flowers, cards, etc., his mum's address is as follows:

24 The Hollands
RG19 4LU

I'll be a tad busy trying to contact his friends who don't yet know for the next couple of hours, so if I don't reply, sorry in advance :)
