Buying a new computer


for my brother... Whats the newest scoop? I will post this on HWC too. :) BTW, we are going for AMD, so no P4s please.
games and video editing... Going with AMD 2200+ or so, 1 GB RAM. I am mainly worried about a motherboard and soudcard. The rest I can work out myself.
Make sure that's a second generation T-bred.

For motherboards, I'd recommend a KT333 or KT400 chipset, and for the sound card, of course, SB Audigy
via and creative had a little niggle with the kt133a chipset i think but the newer ones should be ok
ris said:
via and creative had a little niggle with the kt133a chipset i think but the newer ones should be ok
Yes exactly, I have a Creative card, AMD chip, and VIA KT133a chipset, and they don't work nicely together on XP.
here's what i'm thinking: (Canadian $)


computer.jpg, 45.94kb

It'd be a damn nice card to have, but I think you could do better, what does that translate in US dollars?
That isn't bad, only other thing I'd look at is a 400w power supply instead of 300. Never know when you'll need the extra juice, especially with that video card, and the amount of hard drives you like.
I'm still plodding along on a middling 32 meg video card. I don't remember it being more than about 160-170 bucks back in 'the days'. Apparently the cutting edge stuff gets away with murder in the pricing these days.... which hurts, because I really do need new video and sound gear. All of the modern toys doesn't function worth a rip on anything less than beefed up 64 meg. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is a horrorshow @ 32 megs.
Radeon 9700 PRO requires connection to your PC's internal power supply for operation. A 300 watt power supply or greater is recommended to ensure normal system operation where a number of other internal devices are installed.

From here.
unclehobart said:
I'm still plodding along on a middling 32 meg video card. I don't remember it being more than about 160-170 bucks back in 'the days'. Apparently the cutting edge stuff gets away with murder in the pricing these days.... which hurts, because I really do need new video and sound gear. All of the modern toys doesn't function worth a rip on anything less than beefed up 64 meg. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is a horrorshow @ 32 megs.

I've only got a 32mb card too, but there are quite a few good 64mb DDR cards out there, around 100 or less. They do most stuff, but they'll be outdated within a couple years too.