Brain Dead


Well-Known Member
What do you think of the idea of using the brain dead and long term comatose as sex slaves to help the families recoup the cost of hospitalization? Adults only of course ... except where permissible by law.
I say....\
make the people pay up front to help the families, then when they
come to collect the prize for their money, make um disappear....for good.
What do you think of the idea of using the brain dead and long term comatose as sex slaves to help the families recoup the cost of hospitalization? Adults only of course ... except where permissible by law.

Is that your idea? you ARE twisted!!! :eek2:
I'd agree if prior to the condition the patient agreed to it (similar to organ donors), otherwise not a chance in hell.
Really ... how is this any different from keeping them alive long enough to perform organ transplants? The only real difference is that instead of taking an organ out .. you're putting one in.