AZ takes one step closer to overturning Roe v Wade


Well-Known Member

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Tuesday signed into law a controversial bill that makes the state the first in the nation to outlaw abortions performed on the basis of the race or gender of the fetus.
The move comes as anti-abortion groups across the nation try to seize on gains made by political conservatives during the November elections, seeking enactment of new state laws to further restrict abortions.
that is bizarre in so many ways. you'd think jan would want to encourage abortion of brown babies.
wow. nobody from the gonzie side of america had any weird ideas.

but, then, they are a tribe of seething miscreants that follow ancient writing literally, and we've never expected any ideas at all from them.
Gothy I can see why you'd be confused as the article while
being poorly written, is so heavily bias in favor of abortion
as to be quite meaningless on it's own.

If you really want to see whacky, read the actual bill!
it would be interesting to see the right wing nutcases try to argue the same thing lefty lawyers have been arguing for decades.
Do whatever the heck you want too with your womb!

While I agree with you that the government should not
be the arbiter of the people's morals.

I also believe that the plunge into socialism we've taken
over the last 80 plus years is a fatal error.

I suppose this noble experiment was doomed to fail anyway.
To big to fail?

so you're asserting that "socialism" is to blame huh?

well at least they got you fooled, and they got your vote. piggies at the trough come in both blue and red. get yer red pom poms moving!
The golden goose quit pooping out eggs?

yeah I guess you are right (again).

If that graph was inverted
and the Government had to reduce taxes
to zero to reduce a 14 trillion dollar surplus
there would be no difference what so ever.

What label would you bestow on the current system we find
ourselves in? A 'mixed economy'?