Alec Baldwin For Mayor of NYC


Well-Known Member
Alec Baldwin to Run For Mayor of NYC

30 Rock star Alec Baldwin has long mused about running for political office, but some of his recent Tweets have stoked more speculation than ever.

Earlier this week, Baldwin wrote that it's still "a long way till November of 2013" and then posted a link to the iconic song "New York, New York."

Interestingly, Baldwin just wrote an essay for The Huffington Post that was sympathetic to the plight of embattled U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner.

I don't like his politics, but I'd be inclined to vote for him, if it's between him and Weiner only.
You couldn't pay me to vote for him. I'd write in minx if I had to.
you bet yo ass

I'd vote Minx for President

Dang straight mofo He'd fix this shit right up fer sure!

c'mon minxy

what are the planks in that campaign platform?

What will YOU do as President to lead Amerika back to prosperity?

lets businesses fail.
stop paying for the world policeman role.
stop paying so much in entitlements.
send many federal powers back to the states.
end obamacare, unbind medical insurance from the state you live in.
make energy policy the number one priority so we don't end up working for the chinese in a decade or so. put big money into tax breaks for energy R+D and implementation, put big money into research universities.
Screw Sarah Minx for President

ah crap I knew you were a Conservative at heart all along

and leave all social issues completely alone, contrary to popular
myth conservatives don't really give a shit what you do in your bedroom
and certainly don't think its the place of the Federal government
to tell a business that it Must hire a cross dressing transgender homosexual!
See, even mc'pickle knows whats right, he just lacks the nutz to effect it. The things people will do to remain in the hipster clicke. -- we still like you though minxy ;)
See, even mc'pickle knows whats right, he just lacks the nutz to effect it. The things people will do to remain in the hipster clicke. -- we still like you though minxy ;)

nah, i'm just smarter than you. it's pretty simple, really.

i will feed on your children's brains.
