Word of the day...

Ah memories. Those were the days I was so addicted that I would check OTC before I even went to work, and then constantly throughout the day.
I was reading an older review of a porn flick, and they mentionned an anal queef. Needless to say, that magazine is now ashes. Sorry guys, but if you don't know that an anal queef is a fart, you're too dumb to be published.
I stay away from any word that sounds like the "N" word. I once had a misunderstanding with someone at work about that.

Ever see Monty Python and the Holy Grail? You know the part where they're at the castle and John Cleese is telling them their father was a hampster and their mother smells like elderberry? He says something like "You and your silly English kinnigits!" It's funny because he's mispronouncing "knights" by saying "kinnigits".

Well, I was joking with someone about movies and stuff and we were repeating lines from movies and I called him a silly kinnigit. The guy next to him was like "WHAT did you call him?!" so I repeated myself. The guy though I called him something else, and it just so happens he was black. Neither of them had seen any Monty Python movie.

I actually had to play the wav file to prove to him that I didn't just call someone a racist slur. :rolleyes:
That, right there, is one of the things I do actually like about being an anglo working in quebec. Anything like that is always considered a translation faux pas.
HomeLAN said:
Gotta love touchy coworkers, doncha?
Funny thing was, the guy who I said it to is black but the guy who misheard and was miffed about it wasn't.

So I made both of them rent MPATHG that weekend. Neither one of them "got" the humor. If you don't get a chuckle out of that movie, you have bigger problems than your hearing. ;)