Word of the day...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
Gato_Solo said:
Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
is this why you feel as though you've lost braincells from dealing with that dim bulb running the register at kroger?
Now, now...Kroger is better than most...Try dealing with the idiots at Piggly Wiggly...
Gato_Solo said:
Now, now...Kroger is better than most...Try dealing with the idiots at Piggly Wiggly...
*misses the piggly wiggly....at least there you can always find turnip greens :eh:
tonksy said:
*misses the piggly wiggly....at least there you can always find turnip greens :eh:

Poor child. You can find turnip greens almost everywhere. ;) You just have to ask the right people. :grinyes:
Gato_Solo said:
Poor child. You can find turnip greens almost everywhere. ;) You just have to ask the right people. :grinyes:
i can readily find collards which are just as well...but sometimes i like variety, you know? but you can keep the mustard green :sick:
Lagom[a.] - The most Swedish word in existence. Has no direct translation to any other language, except maybe a few obscure ones. Its meaning can be most accurately described as "just enough", "the correct amount", "not too little and not too much" etc.
It's lagom funny for foreigners trying to learn Swedish. :)
yawnto[v.]: Southern expression for "do you want to." Usage: "Ahmoan go ta th' WalMart. Yawnto?"
I believe the correct spelling of that is jawntu. It usually follows jeet, an interrogatory for did you eat?.

What ever became of Jeff, anyway?
since we is discussing southern talk:
fiddin' to or fixin' to - about to do something ie. "i's "fiddin' to" go to da walmart, "sensuous" here you can come with, "yawnto"?"
arn[n.]: The implement with which you press your clothes. [v.]The act of.

usage: "Whar's thet arn? Ah gotta arn daddy's overalls fer Bubber's weddin'."

2. Tar arn[n.]: Implement for persuading someone to leave you alone.
Usage: "So I went upside his head with a tar arn."
so another word that i am careful to enunciate now is, ahem..."mayo-naisse"...somewhere along the lines of louisiana living it turned into "mahnaisse" and people haven't a clue had i'm saying....
Inkara1 said:
I've always said it as man-aze :shrug:
i think that's how i'll say it now...easier...i feel like lou gosset jr's character in officer and gentleman saying "mayo-naisse"
I should point out that Hellman's is known as Best Foods west of the Rockies. "Bring out the Best Foods, and bring out the best."
You'd have to ask them. The jars of Best Foods mayo say "known as Hellman's east of the Rockies" on them, that's how I know.