*wiping chocolate from my face*

I always taped my lunch up with nylon threaded sealing tape and put lovely titles on it.. medical sample ... live tarantulas... touch=death...
stealing candy calls for a punishment of making you eat lima beans for a week & no more chocolate for a month:scared:

Gonz, I woudln't say that to a pregnant lady if I were you....
Well, at least I don't steal other people's lunches from the fridge ... but if you leave a bag of candy on the LUNCH TABLE, then I say it's up for grabs :D
I don't think he'll hurt ku TOO much since she is pregnant. Remeber when HomeLAN's wife was pregenant? Fury let her keep a stash of cheese.
Originally posted by Nix
I don't think he'll hurt ku TOO much since she is pregnant. Remeber when HomeLAN's wife was pregenant? Fury let her keep a stash of cheese.

You're passing out cheese? Hmm ... I'll give you my case of beer for some of your cheese. That's one of the only luxuries they let people like me indulge in. :D
First, you kidnap Nan, and THEN you have the unmitigated gall to eat her Reese's Pieces? Your daring knows no bounds, woman... :D