Why arachnaphobia exists...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Saw one of these the other day, and stomped the hell out of it...

It's called a Camel Spider. Anyhow...it's dead now, but gosh was it quick. :eek: Had to step on it 3 times to kill it. I think the first stomp only stunned it, and the second and third did the sucker in. He was still twitching when we swept him up and dumped him in the trash can 10 minutes later...
C-130 porthole (window). Since it's armored, it's most likely on one of the 'jump' doors.
A few key sentences from that link:

They vary in size, between 1 to 6 inches, depending on the species, sex or age.
camel spiders are one of the fastest running arthropods and can reach speeds up to 10 mph
They feed on other spiders, scorpions, lizards, mice and some small birds
When they do come out during the day, camel spiders avoid the heat by running from shadow to shadow, even if it belongs to a human. If a camel spider runs toward a person’s shadow and he or she tries to run away, the spider will chase the shadow.
Chemicals such as bug sprays are not recommended as they most likely will do nothing but make the spider angry, said officials.

:eek: Somehow, I don't think you want to make this thing angry.
i was reading a looooooooong thread on a site... "something awful", i think it was called? but it was pages and pages about the thing.

they say it'll paralyse your face, and eat it. they'll eat your eyelids and scratch your eyeballs in the process, they said.

it became a classic subject and refference, on the board i saw the link to that thread, on.
Spiders only bite for two reasons. They're hungry, or afraid. People are too big to look like food, and can you imagine that thing being afraid of anything?
ash r said:
i was reading a looooooooong thread on a site... "something awful", i think it was called? but it was pages and pages about the thing.

SA is Hil-Ar-Ious!
lol! i saw a link to a site that had some screenshots on it...
from a dating game that, like, msn or something had on it.
where members of SA would say completely bizarre things.
altho i dont remember anything said, it was frucking classic.
Yeah, wouldn't do much good to run from it on a sunny day, would it? :erm:
He didn't look very frightening once he was under my boot... :D

Of course, getting him there was a pain. I was chasing that bastard around for 45 seconds. As for ash r's references...that's all urban legend. I know of only one person who has been bitten, and he was back on his feet in no time. He pissed me off because he got a free trip to Germany to recouperate from his traumatic injury :rolleyes: and got to have a few beers. :grumpy:
Professur said:
Why didn't ya just shoot the fucker? I doubt it's gonna outrun a bullet.

Since the war is all but over, firearms are not at hand where I'm at. Besides...I wanted to see his fluids gush from under a well-placed heel, and hear the satisfying crunch of success...:eek: