I'm wondering how long it will take to fit a stair carpet tomorrow

Letting the big things take care of themselves
I'm thinking I shouldn't have doubled my happy medicine this morning for grins and giggles. Though, I do have grins and giggles!
Wondering about whether or not element 115 really does exist and if so why it is not being utilised more effectively.
Now I'm wondering if I should try and explain....hmm - prolly should.

Element 115 (known as Ununpentium) is an extremely dense, stable element that apparently has it's own A gravity field which is so strong that it surpasses the perimeter of the atom. And it also has the B gravity field inherent in all matter. Due to this it is argued that this element can be used in the defiance of gravity.

Apparently 115 does not naturally occur on earth. But because of it's high proton count can be forced into existence for brief periods of time. So that's why I was wondering whether or not it truly does exist.

And of course there's the whole thing about government supression of it as it is used in 'Black World' aircraft capable of defying gravity and space/time.

Yada yada.

Thinking of Nazis now.
AlphaTroll said:
Now I'm wondering if I should try and explain....hmm - prolly should.

Element 115 (known as Ununpentium) is an extremely dense, stable element that apparently has it's own A gravity field which is so strong that it surpasses the perimeter of the atom. And it also has the B gravity field inherent in all matter. Due to this it is argued that this element can be used in the defiance of gravity.

Apparently 115 does not naturally occur on earth. But because of it's high proton count can be forced into existence for brief periods of time. So that's why I was wondering whether or not it truly does exist.

And of course there's the whole thing about government supression of it as it is used in 'Black World' aircraft capable of defying gravity and space/time.

Yada yada.

Thinking of Nazis now.

wondering why they consider such artificial creations as elements...they keep messing with the organization of the table
And i wonder if I should then mention anything about 114 which is now obsolete and 118 that died or summin.

Dunno if elements die...prolly not.
AlphaTroll said:
And i wonder if I should then mention anything about 114 which is now obsolete and 118 that died or summin.

Dunno if elements die...prolly not.
they shouldn't. remember kryponite? keeps people alive!
i thinking of the irony of superman in a wheelchair...poor guy...they say he is doing better.....
Well, I think then perhaps they should attach some 115 to superman's wheelchair......give him a bit of a lift yeah.

And I'm also thinking about the socio economic state of affairs in countries such as Sudan.
AlphaTroll said:
Well, I think then perhaps they should attach some 115 to superman's wheelchair......give him a bit of a lift yeah.

And I'm also thinking about the socio economic state of affairs in countries such as Sudan.
Thinks AT should not drink so much....it seems to be making you think serioius thoughts or something.
thinking how shallow i am that i never contemplate the socioeconomic situation of places like sudan.......
Mirlyn said:
Thinks AT should not drink so much....it seems to be making you think serioius thoughts or something.

Thinks Mirlyn should pay closer attention - AT no longer drinks at all :D

Thinks AT should start getting stoned round about now.