Upgraded the forum software.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
We upgraded the software finally to the most current version.
We lost the shout box for a bit till fury rewrites it for us.
there are some new features also. I will post the list here shortly.

If you run into problems let us know here in this post.

In conjunction with Skype, I am pleased to introduce SkypeWeb integration into vBulletin.

SkypeWeb allows the online status of Skype users to be viewed on web pages, and fits very nicely with vBulletin.

Also you no longer have to click the icon with the pencil to quick reply, just click in the box.

ahh hell heres the full listing.

Product/Plugin system with over 550 'hook' locations strategically placed in the code. Allows modification and extension of vBulletin without physical alteration of the vBulletin PHP scripts.
Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels
Completely rewritten message editor with ability to instantly switch between standard and WYSIWYG modes
Thread title editing on forumdisplay via AJAX
Thread opening and closing on forumdisplay via AJAX
Super-Quick Reply on showthread via AJAX
Inline post edit on showthread via AJAX
Username suggestion for PM recipients and search by user via AJAX
Data manipulation APIs (Data Manager) for centralized data saving
Template History & Comparison for easy tracking of changes
Database-based thread and forum read marking
MySQL Full Text Search
Additional Datastore Storage Methods
SMTP Mail Wrapper
MySQLi Wrapper
PHPDoc'd Source Code
Moderator log language abstraction
Webkit support for style manager color picker
ImageMagick 6 Support (alternative to GD)
Calendar events support start/end times
Custom avatar and profile picture resizing
Profile pictures can be saved to filesystem
Statistics ordering
Each attachment image type can be individually set to generate thumbnails or not
Each attachment image type can be individually set to open in a new window or not
Moderated posts and threads do not contribute to post count until approved
Language chooser in footer
New bbcode parser now corrects invalid tag nesting to ensure valid HTML
spoke too soon :eek:

In who's online, it's showing people having been last active 3 hours ago.
Okay, looks like the thingie that makes the avatars/profiles go to the left instead of above the post is broke (legacy gambit or some such nonsense). Help?
We did that on purpose a long time ago so that people wouldn't be logged out and their thread read status be reset every 15 minutes (making it look like they'd read the entire forum when they still weren't done reading it). When the upgrade happened, the custom code that still forced that to only show people online in the last 15 minutes was removed.
BeardofPants said:
Okay, looks like the thingie that makes the avatars/profiles go to the left instead of above the post is broke (legacy gambit or some such nonsense). Help?
Fixed :beerbang: