Trivia #7


Well-Known Member
Something that can move faster than the speed of light.

You see them every day
It is something yet nothing.
Huuuuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuu! i've outwitted them all. No one's going to google this one either because i thought of it myself. :devious:
Political bloggers heaing to their computers when the candidate they don't like makes a first-class faux pas?
Not bad at all, i'll say close enough.

A shadow.

And in case anyone was wondering what hat i pulled this out of...

Shadows have been observed moving along large atronomical bodies(nebula etc) at greater than the speed of light. When first observed astronomers didn't know they were shadows and were dumbfounded at what could be traveling at such great speeds until they figured out they had been hoodwinked by another moving object in space.