Times Square bomber is a middle aged, White, Tea Party member!

this guy they got is starting to look more interesting.
He's got some bigger ties it seems.

I'd like to know how it came about that he got his citizenship, and who all
Here knew this guy.

I wonder if they will finish following up, and give more info, after the
misdirected topic has faded.
How did thi sguy get on an airline & damn near escape? Where is Bush when we need him?
they got lucky in that account too.
They tipped the guy off, ....just about did everything they could to lose
him, except buy the ticket.

conspiracy theory #EL463 :evilgrin:
The guy thought he was protected, then they scapegoated him.
How did thi sguy get on an airline & damn near escape? Where is Bush when we need him?

The No-fly list didn't work quickly enough to stop him at security, but it did to catch him before he did leave. :shrug:
And he is, apparently a registered democrat.

An Islamic terrorist named Faisal Shahzad is the Time Square bomber according to media reports. He is Muslim of Pakistani heritage with dual citizenship in the United States, recently naturalized as a U.S. citizen under the 0bama administration’s lenient open door policy. We are still attempting to confirm reports of his voter registration status as a Democrat.

We are still researching to understand if Faisal Shahzad was an Obama campaign donor. The Muslim community in the U.S. overwhelmingly supported the 0bama's 2008 election run. Stay tuned.

Decade of Deceit: The Oklahoma City Bombing

It became clear within several hours of the bombing that US Federal agencies had been told to suppress any evidence of, or discussion of, any Middle Eastern involvement in the bombing and to direct blame solely at US right-wing militias. The Reno-Gorelick Justice Department acted quickly to suppress any meaningful pursuit of other perpetrators of the bombing.

At the beginning of the investigation, the Clinton Administration blamed radio talk show hosts for instigating right-wing militias to take action against the government. It is quite possible that Clinton wanted to place the blame with conservative political opposition to take the momentum out of the powerful conservative talk-radio programming.

Most likely, the Clinton Administration leadership was anxious to avoid any recognition of Middle Eastern involvement in the bombing because such an event would almost certainly call for a military response against the nations or individuals who helped carry out the attack. Instead, the military response would have to wait another 6 years.

Aah..here we go.
Although both Arizona and Michigan are host to militant anti-tax, anti-government, survivalist and racist groups, there is no evidence that he ever belonged to any extremist groups. He advertised to sell a weapon in what is described as a virulently anti-Semitic publication. After renting a Ryder truck that has been linked to the Oklahoma City bombing, McVeigh telephoned a religious community that preaches white supremacy, but no one there can remember knowing him or talking to him. His only known affiliations are as a registered Republican in his New York days, and as a member of the National Rifle Association while he was in the Army.


Provably did the crime and was tried, convicted, and executed.



Nothing proven that they did anything but participate in political free speech (which is verboten in Canada). All are out on bail, with strict conditions, and the judge has stated that she can find nothing in the government's case which shows anything that encourages overt acts.
all white christian males, jimbo. and with the way you look to one example as a universal law, this is a ball hit out of the park.
Wanna bet that they are (were) all registered Republicans?

Birds of a feather flock together...
Jacob J. Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio, voted as a Democrat in the 2004 and 2008 primary elections. He also voted in 10 other elections since 2000.

Your Jedi powers are not working.

Faisal Shahzad registered democrat and bush hater.


Yet another face of the Democrat Party.
Just wait. I would not be surprised if there is a false flag assassination attempt that made it to look like it was right wing extremists. Obama might even get a minor flesh wound for dramatic effect.

Then the grand finale! A false flag nuclear explosion. The rest of our liberties and the Constitution will finally be put to rest.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.