This makes me...


New Member
incredibly sad :(


From : PostSecret
You don't find it sad that someone so young, and so in-experienced, may die before getting some of that stuff we take for granted? (all politics aside)
You don't find it sad that someone so young, and so in-experienced, may die before getting some of that stuff we take for granted? (all politics aside)

No sadder than the veterans of any other war who were in the same boat. 14 year old kids fought for the Confederacy, and to hear 95% of the world tell it they deserved to be lynched.
You don't find it sad that someone so young, and so in-experienced, may die before getting some of that stuff we take for granted? (all politics aside)

From cavedwellers to the 21st century man. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
To answer your question with one of my own, what makes this occurance any sadder than all the others?

I don't like the fact that young men and women die in defense of this or any other country. I'm eternally grateful for their willingness to make the sacrifice, and I respect them immensely. But it's not new. Even in peacetime, soldiers die too young. Training accidents or whatever takes a certain toll. It's a tragedy but it's a price that some must pay for the greater good. I weep for the cops and firefighters who never come home from a shift and leave a wife and infants all alone. For all we know, the gunman at Virginia Tech took out the person who was going to cure cancer. That's sad too.
Yup, it's wrong that 18 years old can go to war before some of them even have their license. Worse yet, how wrong is it that they can't even buy alcohol? We don't trust them to have enough judgement to drink responsibly, but sure, send them off to war.
Young men have the agility, stamina, strength & fortitude to go forth & take the piece of property. They are also better at being lead. They can also learn quickly how to do it right.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
That is a loser site for losers who need to bitch about their existence and other losers who need to bitch about why they are too cowardly to end that existence.

Of course, there is always Suicide Bridge


The 1913 Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena, California as seen from the Arroyo Seco.

Photograph by Mike Dillon, November 5, 2005.
Yup, it's wrong that 18 years old can go to war before some of them even have their license. Worse yet, how wrong is it that they can't even buy alcohol? We don't trust them to have enough judgement to drink responsibly, but sure, send them off to war.

Depends upon the person. I know some 18 year olds that I could trust to have a couple. Most don't know what a 'couple' is, or lose their sense of responsibility. The larger the group, the less responsible they become. BTDT and got the T-shirt. ;)
Better than sitting on your ass at home weeping and sniveling about your pathetic existence.

But is it better than slaving for a corporate giant, and then bitching about anyones opinion that differs from yours, and spending who knows how much time searching for slant that "proves" your non points? Outside of Walmart and OTC, do you have a life? Unless you are only part time at Walmart I fail to see how. Don't forget, Jody works there too, and while the truth about Walmart is that they aren't near as bad as the hype I know EXACTLY how they do their employees, and the very fact I said this....

markjs said:
"If there is or ever has been an evil opposite anti-me here, you are it." proof that I know you could do better. Jody could too, but she doesn't think so and more's the pity!
But is it better than slaving for a corporate giant, and then bitching about anyones opinion that differs from yours, and spending who knows how much time searching for slant that "proves" your non points?

It doesn't take long to find.

Outside of Walmart and OTC, do you have a life?

More than you can imagine.

Unless you are only part time at Walmart I fail to see how. Don't forget, Jody works there too, and while the truth about Walmart is that they aren't near as bad as the hype I know EXACTLY how they do their employees, and the very fact I said this....

Ah, but if you really knew ... proof that I know you could do better. Jody could too, but she doesn't think so and more's the pity!

I have fun working there. When the fun is over I will go elsewhere. Until then it amuses me to work there and I get to meet very nice people.