
Just wondering, for all the women (men too but since I am a girl I figured I ask the girls :) ) who have tattoos, Do you get unwanted comments like, omg your a woman you shouldn't have tattoos, or woman shouldn't have that many tattoos? I get alot of comments about that I usually say, And who's body is this, yours or mine?
Well, I'm of the opinion that if you care what other people think about your tatoos, you probably shouldn't have had them done. Think it through first. Get the opinions of those who matter to you. Then think it through again. Then take a while off, and think it through a third time. If you haven't given yourself a reason not to do it by now, there probably isn't one. I tend to address most permanent things that way. Stuff like getting married, having kids, severing sensitive body parts, comitting suicide, etc.

But then, that only really works from a conservative standpoint. From the liberal point of view, you'd have to reverse the thought process. Once you manage to start it, that is. (cheap poke)
all mine are for me, they all have different meanings, I have one I am not happy with, my canadian flag (love the idea of it, but it was badly done) so I will get it redone. all can be hidden if needed, and I love em.

the pictures are old that is why they look all red and unhealed.
I agree with you Professur, all of my tattoos have very sentimental value to me. I really don't care what others say about them. I love them all 8 of them. :D
paul_valaru said:
all can be hidden if needed,

And there's the kicker. You need to be honest about your reasons for getting the tatoo. White collars like us sporting Mohawks, facial piercing, and bold tats are looking a major career obstacle down the throat. For someone like Gonz or Gato, a well crafted tat might actually be a smart career move. For someone with the employment direction of, say, Green Man, it approaches necessity.
Professur said:
And there's the kicker. You need to be honest about your reasons for getting the tatoo. White collars like us sporting Mohawks, facial piercing, and bold tats are looking a major career obstacle down the throat. For someone like Gonz or Gato, a well crafted tat might actually be a smart career move. For someone with the employment direction of, say, Green Man, it approaches necessity.

It's the facts of life, If I could I would get bigger tats, but that would be career suicide.
these are my pride and joy

i love my wingies.

i also got my eyes of horus, they're secretly the same size.

and those are on the fronts of my shoulders, like this

but on both sides
i eventually want my chest done. i want a sun through the right eye (as its the solar eye) and a moon through the left eye (the lunar eye), and a bluejay on the left, with a stormy rainy scene behind it, and a cardinal on the right, with a sunny scene with like, a rainbow behind it.
i also want my arms done, but i might not go below the elbow.
for some reason, the stuff i want done is conveniently concealable.
I'm waiting for the kiddo to go back to drawing dragons, would be cool to have something of his on my shoulder.

Goddamned manga... :mope:
I see more tats than I care to at work. Most are crappy prison tats that look awful. Some are more elaborate tats that also look awful.

I have at least 30 folks with the spider webs, 8 or 10 with the clocks/hourglasses, and 3 with the teardrops (symbolizing a kill). Hope they're happy advertising to the world that they've done time and/or killed someone. I also have four people with sleeves and one guy who has more ink than flesh visible. The women just can't keep their hands off him (yeah...right).

Needless to say, I ain't got one and won't have one. I hold nothing against those who do, but don't expect me to ooh and ahh over them. They'll look real good when you're 80.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I see more tats than I care to at work. Most are crappy prison tats that look awful. Some are more elaborate tats that also look awful.

I have at least 30 folks with the spider webs, 8 or 10 with the clocks/hourglasses, and 3 with the teardrops (symbolizing a kill). Hope they're happy advertising to the world that they've done time and/or killed someone. I also have four people with sleeves and one guy who has more ink than flesh visible. The women just can't keep their hands off him (yeah...right).

Needless to say, I ain't got one and won't have one. I hold nothing against those who do, but don't expect me to ooh and ahh over them. They'll look real good when you're 80.

I know someone who has a spiderweb...does it signify something?
Getting my leg tattoo fixed and having more added to it tomorrow, Nervous and excited. I've always disliked the coloring in the wings and it is going on 11 years old. I'm getting flowers added around the fairy...I'm excited about this becasuse I think it will change the scale of the tattoo, life size (or close to it) flowers will make my fairy seem pixie like. Here is the before and tomorrow evening I will post the after.
I've restarted the Tat#3 design for MrsBish, now that we know that we have a little girl :)

Lower back piece...she's picky, but I'm imaginative. :D I'll try and post up a sketch of the best choices if I can.

Still working on my first tat... quasi-tribal Raven piece. Looks good thus far, but not quite right enough for keeps, ya know?
Okay! Here it is! It looks so different! I am quite pleased. It took a little over three hours to do. You can still see the remnants of the purple outline that hasn't washed off yet.