Queens of Comedy


New Member
I live on a 10-acre piece of property with my boyfriend's family. There are 5 houses total on that land.

It seems that everybody on that compound, except me and my boyfriend, enjoyed Queens of Comedy. Is it just the two of us ... or are there others out there that didn't really find it that funny? ?(
Originally posted by kuulani
I live on a 10-acre piece of property with my boyfriend's family. There are 5 houses total on that land.

It seems that everybody on that compound, except me and my boyfriend, enjoyed Queens of Comedy. Is it just the two of us ... or are there others out there that didn't really find it that funny? ?(

*loved the Queens of Comedy* even with all the swearing ...

ku'u - I firmly believe that you didn't like it because of Lopaka's interuptions during the show (he's the one I talk about in the "Scorpion King" thread, for all y'all that don't know everyone in our family and is living on the property with us yet :D) If he didn't ruin it for you, and if it weren't while we were so busy getting ready for that trip, I think you might have liked it ...
You can rent it at Blockbuster.

I don't know ... maybe the excessive swearing turned me off. Maybe 'cause it seemed like the same jokes about sex over and over again. *shrug*

Some parts were funny. But after awhile ... *yawn*
It's a woman's version of 'The King's of Comedy'. It's all black comedy that, frankly, I found to be quite funny...

Next time, maybe you'll do the alum thing. :D
Originally posted by nalani
ku'u - I firmly believe that you didn't like it because of Lopaka's interuptions during the show (he's the one I talk about in the "Scorpion King" thread, for all y'all that don't know everyone in our family and is living on the property with us yet :D) If he didn't ruin it for you, and if it weren't while we were so busy getting ready for that trip, I think you might have liked it ...

I'm gonna watch it again. I'll probably enjoy it more without a certain someone repeating every single line throughout the show. :D