Perversions and intelligence

Luis G

Staff member
I've been thinking about the relationship of perversions and intelligence for a long time. Are intelligent people more susceptible to be perverted? I think so.

Smart people have their minds running all the time, that's why I think they come up with new ideas or curiousity to explore perversions, and the more they create or the more they explore the more they want to see and/or experience. Also, many of them never get to actually make real their perversions, but the ideas (fantisies) come through their minds from time to time.

I'm not saying that it works the other way as well (perverts are smart people).

What are your thoughts on this?
Do you consider yourself intelligent? if so, how perverted are you?
Do you think you have ever fantasized about something you'll never tell to anyone because you think it is EXTREMELY perverted?
I think I'm average. Average intelligence, average interest in perversions. Never acted any of them out in real life. Fantasies? lots... and lots... and lots....

However, I refuse to testify any further by invoking the Fifth Amendment, which states that nobody may be forced to testify as a witness against himself or herself... :D
I'm not so sure intelligence has that much to do with it. I'm not so sure what's perverted and what isn't either. :)
Luis G said:
I've been thinking about the relationship of perversions and intelligence for a long time. Are intelligent people more susceptible to be perverted? I think so.

I don't agree but an interesting statement. Perverts come in all shapes and IQ levels.

Smart people have their minds running all the time, that's why I think they come up with new ideas or curiousity to explore perversions, and the more they create or the more they explore the more they want to see and/or experience. Also, many of them never get to actually make real their perversions, but the ideas (fantisies) come through their minds from time to time.

What is smart really? As i read what you post i am thinking "well everyone does this, this is everyone at one point or another".

I'm not saying that it works the other way as well (perverts are smart people).

Aren't they? Perversion is an art in it's own right.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thinking of more perverse ways to enrich one's lives isn't an act of genius intellect as much it is an assertion towards lude creative spending in one's head. Smart or not (very blurred lines there) everyone can be superflous at times in discordant thinking. I find no correlation between perverse thoughts and Intelligence.

Do you consider yourself intelligent?

Fuck no

if so, how perverted are you?

How gleeful was the Marquis De Sade at opposition of his writing....

Do you think you have ever fantasized about something you'll never tell to anyone because you think it is EXTREMELY perverted?

I'm very intelligent(or so i've been told) and i find myself to be very easily perverted.

Luis G said:
Do you think you have ever fantasized about something you'll never tell to anyone because you think it is EXTREMELY perverted?
I believe that perversions are extentions of intellectual boredom and a restless mind. The more intelligent tend to be more bored and restless and have the creativity to cling to abberations in a way that would almost be seen as sociopathic.
i'm as smart as the next person...prolly as perverted too.....i think that you are confusing intelligence with imagination.....people with little imagination can not conceive of perversions, perhaps?
There is also the added dimension of will to carry out such yearnings ... not to mention personality as well as cultural morays. Theres quite a many facets going on here. What counts as a preversion in Egypt might only rate as prudish behavior in Sweden.
Luis G said:
Do you consider yourself intelligent?

Most of the people I've met who think they're more intelligent than others are not so much smarter, but rather insecure and conceited. :)

Do you think you have ever fantasized about something you'll never tell to anyone because you think it is EXTREMELY perverted?

I don't think, I know. ;)
Intelligent people are more likely to rebel against society's strictures and as peversion is simply an act that is unacceptable by society's standards then yes intelligent people are more likely to have perverted thoughts.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
"it's like obscenity -- no one can come up with a definition, but everyone knows it when they see it :rolleyes:

Usiing your definition of obscene or someone elses? You see my problem. I've done many things in my life that others might consider perverted or obscene, but I don't. Kinky, perhaps. Unc makes a good point, lots of people think about it, not that many would admit to acting on those feelings if they have.

greenfreak said:
Most of the people I've met who think they're more intelligent than others are not so much smarter, but rather insecure and conceited. :)
Took me a long time to figure that one out gf. Evidently not as smart as I used to think I was. :)
define perversion first. b/c i am intelligent and i am into things that are considered perverted by some but not by others
freako104 said:
define perversion first. b/c i am intelligent and i am into things that are considered perverted by some but not by others

Let's put it simple, imagining situations that you know you are not capable of realizing, or that you might commit but knowing that such things might be against your principles or against the law ;)

Something along the lines of you considering yourself a pervert (no matter how permisible or intolerant your parameter of perversion is).
Im a major pervert and i celebrate it. Gives me a feeling of freedom I think others dont have (celebrating it that is not being perverted). But I dont think "intelligent" people have a monopoly on "perversion" at all. I think there are perverts everwhere. Maybe what it is is that the smart people tend to have the tools to better express their perversion then dumb people do. kind of like the artisticaly talented have the tools to express their feelings through their art that the non-artisticaly talented dont.
Luis G said:
Let's put it simple, imagining situations that you know you are not capable of realizing, or that you might commit but knowing that such things might be against your principles or against the law ;)

Something along the lines of you considering yourself a pervert (no matter how permisible or intolerant your parameter of perversion is).

well then i am somewhat. i am into bloodletting and sado-masochism. not necessarily against my principles but not for them either. plus used to think very low of myself and would let myself be used for sex(5 one night stands total but i didnt care about myself at all at the time) which does go against my principle(no sex w/out being in love)
It doesn't take much intelligence to understand when something is perverted, nor much imagination (there's nothing new under the sun).
Gotnolegs said:
Intelligent people are more likely to [rebel against] find fault with society's strictures and as peversion is simply an act that is unacceptable by society's standards then yes intelligent people are more likely to have perverted thoughts.
i gotta go with Unc and A13 here.its a combination of thoughts that may or may not come to light. My father always told me Idle hands made for the perverted mind. I try to keep them on a even keel for the most part. But if given the oppturnity Trust me i'd let the perversion roll. Life is to short to not try and accomplish most of what the mind imagines.