People who need a good drubbing...

I daersay the cabin pressure would have made it near impossible to open said door without a bulldozer... but... damn... just damn.
Here we have a story about a calander. The complaint is that the calander is sexist, and should also include pictures of scantily-clad men. The over-riding issue here is that very few men are going to buy a calander with a mixture of scantily clad women and scantily clad men. By the same token, not many women are going to buy a calander with scantily-clad women and scantily-clad men. Conceivably, they could've made seperate calanders for men and women, but one has only to look at the dismal sales of Chippendales calanders to see why that prospect isn't pursued. Sorry to say this, but men in general like to look at calanders with scantily-clad women, and tend to buy them...provided they aren't attached...more than women buy calanders with scantily-clad men.
I've never bought a chippendales calendar but I have bought more than one Brampton Firefighters Calendars...them firemen are HOT HOT HOT
I've never bought a chippendales calendar but I have bought more than one Brampton Firefighters Calendars...them firemen are HOT HOT HOT

So. How many women buy those calanders, besides yourself? How many men buy calanders of scantily-clad women? Should I put it in a poll, or summat, to prove my point?
Anyway...yet another loser makes it into the ranks. I won't comment on the why. Just the what. Drub away, me hearties...and pay mind the unbruised portions on the second pass...
Look. More reasons to have babies without fathers.

So they can wear their fingernail polish unafraid? :confused:

No. What we have here, is an idiot who shouldn't be allowed near a guppy, much less a child. Mom needs a drubbing as well...for letting this idiot near her child.
See, the difference is that it was a male teacher propositioning a female student. It's perfectly kosher for a female teacher to get it on with a male student.
You're in jail. Why should they give you a weapon? What they need to do is give out 10 lashes for every frivilous lawsuit brought forth by a prisoner. If its across-the-board, in every state, it can't be called 'cruel and unusual'.
the results were paid for by everyones taxes.

I thought adults were given 72 hours & even after that it was only if there was a reasopn to suspect foul play.

Adults have the right to up & leave without leaving a note.
I thought adults were given 72 hours & even after that it was only if there was a reasopn to suspect foul play.

Adults have the right to up & leave without leaving a note.

Depends. After 72 hours, they're usually looking for a dead body...and guess who the prime suspect would be in this case? I'd like to believe that his calling early was based upon concern for the wife, but I can't help but think some of it was to cover his ass if his selfish, self-centered, egotistical, drama queen, harrigan of a wife actually turned up dead. Puts her right up there with Jennifer Wilbanks...