Libertarians issue warning to Tea Partiers


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WASHINGTON - Looking toward the 9/12 Tea Party events in Washington, DC, Libertarian Party executive director Wes Benedict issued the following warning to Tea Partiers: "Republicans are trying to fool you again."

"There are two kinds of Tea Partiers," said Benedict. "One kind is so blinded by its hatred of Obama and Democrats that it cannot see fault with Republicans. It's the other kind the Libertarian Party is reaching out to."

Libertarian Party staff and volunteers will participate in the Washington, DC Tea Party events on September 12. They will distribute flyers pointing out how the Top 10 Disasters of the 2009-2010 Obama administration mirror the Top 10 Disasters of the 2001-2008 Bush administration.

Benedict continued, "Libertarians have much in common with Tea Party goals of reducing government spending and taxes. While many Tea Party supporters will admit that George W. Bush's administration grew government, Libertarians want to remind Tea Partiers about previous Republican administrations that loved big government.

"Republican Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America promised to eliminate the Departments of Education and Energy. Yet once Republicans took control of Congress, they failed even to reduce the spending on those departments.

"Republican President George Bush, Sr. remains famous for coining the phrase 'Read my lips, no new taxes,' and then raising taxes.

"Republican President Ronald Reagan grew federal government spending to the highest level it had reached since World War II. He also 'saved Social Security' by raising payroll taxes.

"Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole was a huge supporter of taxpayer subsidies for corn and ethanol.

"In 1971, Republican President Richard Nixon instituted wage and price controls. That made a group of free-market supporters so angry that they decided to form the Libertarian Party.

"Republicans seem to think we're idiots. For decades they have paid lip-service to shrinking government, while consistently doing the opposite in office.

"Our fear is that Tea Partiers might say 'This time it will be different.' No it won't. If you vote for Republicans this time, it will just reinforce the message that they can lie to you and grow government with impunity.

"Current Republicans are just as bad as past Republicans.

"This year, Libertarian Party co-founder David Nolan is running for U.S. Senate against Republican John McCain, who famously suspended his 2008 presidential campaign so he could rush back to Washington to bail out the banks.

"Republican leader John Boehner might end up as the next House Speaker, and he voted for George W. Bush's huge 2003 Medicare expansion.

"John Cornyn, Republican senator from Texas, and current chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, voted for the TARP bailouts.

"Ron Paul is probably the only Republican congressman willing to point out the huge cost of America's foreign wars and empire building. Other Republicans pretend that spending trillions on the military just doesn't count as big government.

"With Social Security, Medicare, and military spending making up the vast majority of federal spending, you can't cut significantly without cutting those. But Republicans refuse to touch them.

"Libertarians welcome the Tea Party movement's focus on the problem of government growth. However, we are concerned that Tea Partiers might fall for the Republicans' trickery.

"Republican leaders have brought up distractions like New York City mosques and gay marriage to distract voters from Republicans' big-government track record. We hope that Tea Partiers will see through the smoke and mirrors.

"While our nation is declining dangerously right now, a turnaround could be straightforward and simple with Libertarian steps like these: 1. Bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan; 2. Stop rewarding failed companies with bailouts; 3. Cut taxes and spending and let the free market work.

"The Libertarian Party is fielding 168 candidates for U.S. House, and 20 candidates for U.S. Senate this year. Win or lose, a vote for a Libertarian sends a clear message for smaller government and more freedom. What message does a vote for John McCain send?"

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets and civil liberties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.
the so-called tea party around here has been rebranded.
there is no tea party.

We'll see after the election if they want to come up with a name of any kind.
We may just remain nameless for a while.

How did that guy issue a warning? Speak it into the air....send a letter to a newspaper?
I guess they must be talking to D Army, or Palin.
They seems to be to 2 main ones in the news that still associate with the Tea Party name.
the so-called tea party around here has been rebranded.
there is no tea party.

We'll see after the election if they want to come up with a name of any kind.
We may just remain nameless for a while.

How did that guy issue a warning? Speak it into the air....send a letter to a newspaper?
Some people I know who got on the Tea Party band wagon when it first came out have cut ties. I get the impression that they (and others) are more than a little embarrassed by some of the things that are said. They are also disappointed with the way dissenters are treated. Many of the members aren't the brightest tools in the shed and I think these folks are trying to distinguish themselves from the not so smart group.
Not so much cutting ties here.
They different groups have kinda caucused up, but some just want to re-brand,
as I said.

There's quite a bit going on 'behind the scenes' so to speak, in this lead up to the election.
The main values and principles are still in play.
the so-called tea party around here has been rebranded.
there is no tea party.

There never was. It was a play on the Boston Tea Party. Same principle (Taxed Enough Already)

There are hundreds of grassroots groups nationawide that have the Tea party mentality but the press has fucked this up & is attempting to change its message.
the media doesn't understand though that a lot of people are actual marines,
and know how to "adapt and overcome", and most of the people that aren't
know how also.

The media is so used to driving the herd, that they don't think there are people that they Don't drive.
you mean what one exec. said?

I don't see anywhere that it says that is the Official stance of the whole
Libitarian Party.

In any case, it's off base.
It's from the Executive Director of the Libertarian Party on the party's official website. How much more official do you need it to be?

What's off base about it?
You don't seem to know very much about the Libertarian Party.
There are many diverse views within the party. Much Like the TEA Partiers.

What's off? His view.
There are many diverse views within the party.

Sure there are. Just like every political party. This however is pretty official coming from the Executive Director of the Libertarian Party on the party's official website.

What's off? His view.

Specifically what part do you think is off and why?
Sure there are. Just like every political party. This however is pretty official coming from the Executive Director of the Libertarian Party on the party's official website.

Specifically what part do you think is off and why?

no, nowhere near like other parties....WAYyyyy more diverse.

2.) this first definition is wrong
no need to really go any farther after a statement like that.
"There are two kinds of Tea Partiers," said Benedict. "One kind is so blinded by its hatred of Obama and Democrats that it cannot see fault with Republicans. It's the other kind the Libertarian Party is reaching out to."
Remarks of Senator Obama said:

Woodward on Obama said:
According to Woodward's meeting-by-meeting, memo-by-memo account of the 2009 Afghan strategy review, the president avoided talk of victory as he described his objectives.

ScrewBalls said:
The nation's top counterterrorism officials were blunt. The threat from within---of Americans willing to commit terrorist acts--- is growing. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III told a congressional hearing today that a spike in recent terrorism cases is direct evidence of the evolving threat.


"We can absorb a terrorist attack."

[/quote]Whats not to hate?

'A spike in terrorism from within'. -- but we already knew this didn't we spike?
What are you bitching about exactly? Something vague about Afghanistan then you switch to to domestic something.

I take it you want us to keep spending a fortune in Afghanistan going after those 50 Al Qaeda? Or do you want to bring troops home to protect us from whatever within?

Make your point. I get that your scared but the rest is all garbled.