Kidnapped by K-mart???

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And you'd have done different? Why?

All in all, I think he got the best outcome he could have wanted, short of the kidnappers being caught and it not costing him anything.
Wow... this really sucks.
"Kidnapping has overtaken burglaries, robberies, car theft and other crimes to become the biggest criminal activity in many areas of Baghdad. Insurgents and gangsters are increasingly using abducted children to raise funds for terrorism operations and personal wealth. "
Are they trying to connect with the people? Trying to win hearts and minds? Nah... just trying to steal all they have so they can kill them later with bombs. How sad.
And you'd have done different? Why?

All in all, I think he got the best outcome he could have wanted, short of the kidnappers being caught and it not costing him anything.

so what in your infinite wisdom would your ass have done? sold some dope?

what value do you personally put on the life of a child? name one thing you would not do to save youre son. tell us where you draw the line. dont just sit there on your stoned ass and cast aspirations, tell me what you would keep in your grimy mitts if i had your child. imagine if you can that i came and took your namesake away. imagine that id be willing to sell you your own flesh and blood back. for someone who spends a significant amount of his day avoiding the attention of law enforcement you sure seem willing to let them risk going home to thier familys to serve your needs, so tell me spartacus, at exactly what point does the safety of your child become secondary to pocket change?

all you care to do is pass judgement on others without offering a fucking shred of alternative thinking


i shall now assume that the life of your child is worth less to you than your next hit of meth, or your next needle full of cocaine, or...


I see RM decided he has to troll in stereo under two names now! Isn't that special!

boo! X^D

I bet you can't figure out my 3rd sox account here @OTC.

all you care to do is pass judgement on others without offering a fucking shred of alternative thinking
What he offers IS alternative thinking, like matter and anti-matter.

He just gets a little emo sometimes, well.....most of the time..... ok all the time.
I know this is hard for you since conservatives are incapable of math as is evidenced by their complete failure to ever form a working economic plan....

If someone steals something from me and ransoms it and asks for 100K dollars and I have at most 20K, and if I have no faith in any authorities to help me, AND assuming I can't figure a way to feed these assholes their own nuts on a platter, I would have to counter offer 20K, so then if they say we'll take nothing less than 50K and I try and raise it but can only come up with 35K I then will offer that. If they then say 40K or we kill the kid, what else can I say but then kill the kid! So then they finally realize 35K is all I can do so they either take it or kill the kid, to see if they are serious sicne I have no more than 35K and no prospects. If they demand 40K still or else say they will kill the kid and all I could get was 35K, and I knew it, then what have I got to lose by saying well then kill the kid since I cannot obtain more than 35K, and they promise to kill the fucking kid anyway?!?

OK that was a colossal waste of effort trying to explain logical concepts and mathematics to tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber! (We'll just pretend you are not the same troll under two names, so as not to hurt your fragile ego.)
Stop trolling RM, under both names....
You have to admit, I had you going for a while didn't I? :moon:

If someone steals something from me and ransoms it and asks for 100K dollars and I have at most 20K, and if I have no faith in any authorities to help me, AND assuming I can't figure a way to feed these assholes their own nuts on a platter, I would have to counter offer 20K,
OK deal, $20k will work, but this time only. Will you be sending it by Paypal or check? -- I like money.
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