I am...


Staff member
...about 500 kinds of tired right now...I was leaving my house all showered and everything for work at the time I normally roll out of bed... :sleep2: :yawn3:
If your music is to loud to have on while having a convo with someone who comes to your cubicle then it's TO FUCKING LOUD!

It is 7:30 in the fucking morning! Turn the fucking music down!

If she starts making her calls this early I am gonna snap. I can't stand her voice, she talks SO loud and obnoxiously. If I was accounts payable at one of our customers I'd make sure to pay all Velcro invoices WELL inadvance just to be sure I never had to talk to her!!!

*goes nuts*
This is the lady who is in the cubicle next door btw. She was on holidays for 2 weeks and just came back and just cause she's old and hass been here a long time she thinks she runs the fucking show.
If you share a partition wall, flip open the acccess panel and see if you can't mess with her phone or radio while she's on break.
How about some icing?

She just said someone was on her computer under another name when she was away (was a guy who is like 3 steps above her in the hierarchy) and now she can't get in cause she doesn't know how to change it to her log in!

hmmmmmmmmmm MAYBE you delete his name, put yours in and type in your password?! JUST MAYBE!

Someone will have spunk before this day is over if things keep going as they are!!!!!
OH MAN! I'd love to beable to give my boss the additude she is giving hers and still keep my job!!

It's also almost impossible to insert one backwards. What's your point?

OK, try this one. Her vibrator got stuck up there last night and the batteries just gave out.

Better? I've a ton of crabby women insults.
Yeah, I don't think it was last night though. I think it was ALTEAST 2 years ago as she's been like this since I first worked in this office.
Atleast it's not her husband's tallywacker. Hiding a full husband in your pants could be difficult...and I bet he wouldn't like having it removed...
You never know. If she's that crabby at home, he might have cut it off himself just to stop her pestering him.