happy Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
I am going home tommorrow and I am not bringing my laptop so I wanted to say take care and Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Eric!

Have a wonderful time... :hug:

*CB is insanely jealous of Americans who essentially get 2 Christmas style dinners!*
ClaireBear said:
Happy Thanksgiving Eric!

Have a wonderful time... :hug:

*CB is insanely jealous of Americans who essentially get 2 Christmas style dinners!*

Try being the one who actually has to cook them...I already have the smoker cleaned, the drip pans purchased, and the pecan wood soaking. Next year, I think I'm going to deep-fry. :rolleyes:
Thursday, the 25th. It's always on a Thursday, I think it's always the 4th Thursday of November?
Yay, I get to spend 2 more car rides with my nearly brain-dead grandmother! :rolleyes: If she comments one more time about how 'they're building everything up' every time we pass any kind of construction (even road) I'm gonna scream though. The rest of my family's nice, though, and the meal's always good. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Also, everyone that watches the Bears, Cowboys or Lions that isn't a fan of them should at least be thankful for that, trust me. :D
We already had thanksgiving :D

In Oct :D

We get some space between our holiday meals so as we don't get sick of turkey :D
happy gorge-fest! we have no children this holiday and i am working a full shift ($$$$$!!!!!) but i think we shall stuff our faces with homemade pizza and homemade pan fried dumplings.
tonksy said:
happy gorge-fest! we have no children this holiday and i am working a full shift ($$$$$!!!!!) but i think we shall stuff our faces with homemade pizza and homemade pan fried dumplings.

Sounds yummy tonks! :licklips: