Fuuny picures from your camera

My dear departed cat figuring out how to work the camera herself:


I've made this my desktop pic. I miss that cat. :(
My eldest rugrat snagged my Summer Sanitarium tourshirt. She's not feeling well, so I decided to take a picture today, and kill her tomorrow.

She's working on her grunge look. After 2 days of fever, I'd say she's almost there :D

Oh! And that would be Paks and Talyn lounging in the background.

My son giving a big hug to a BIG dog!
My brother-in-law's Wolfhound...luckily a sweet bitch. She'd eat him in about 3 gulps...if it was in her to do so :)

Not sure waht happened to the last pic...weird!!

Here's a balcony from a building by the architect Gaudi
Nice :)