For the love of God could Brett Favre just quit already!

The Washington Post said:
Favre Reverses Course, Signs With Vikings

By Mark Maske
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Once quarterback Brett Favre had his latest change of heart, he and the Minnesota Vikings wasted no time putting another comeback into motion. Favre returned to the NFL once more by signing Tuesday with the Vikings. He immediately participated in a practice and began making plans to possibly play in a preseason game Friday.

"I don't know how I'll feel five years, 10 years from now," Favre said at a news conference at the Vikings' training complex in Eden Prairie, Minn. "I didn't want to say, you know, 'What if?' . . . I think I made the right decision. I really do."

The signing came three weeks after Favre, 39, told the Vikings that he planned to stay retired for good this time, declining an opportunity to report to training camp with the team. Instead, Favre reversed course yet again and came out of retirement for a second straight year.

"I'm in it for the right reasons," Favre said. "And if people can't understand that, I'm sorry."

He reportedly signed a two-year contract with the Vikings that pays him $12 million this season and would pay him $13 million next season, if he plays that long.

"We felt like we had an opportunity to add a piece to the puzzle," Vikings Coach Brad Childress said at the news conference.

Childress and Favre both said it's possible that the quarterback will play in the club's preseason game at home Friday against the Kansas City Chiefs. Childress met Favre at a Twin Cities airport Tuesday after Favre traveled from his home in Mississippi.

When Favre rejected the Vikings' offer to go to training camp with them last month, he said he wasn't certain that he could play a full season at a level of performance he considered satisfactory. Childress said at the time that the club would not renew its pursuit of Favre.

But conversations resumed when Childress called Favre on Monday, both said."After I said no three weeks ago, at times I was okay with it," Favre said. "At other times, I said, 'I think I could have helped that team.' . . . When Brad called [Monday], it was like, 'This is it. It's now or never.' "

Childress said of Monday's conversation: "I picked up the phone and asked. And he said, 'I can play Friday night, right?' "

Favre underwent offseason surgery for the partially torn biceps tendon that plagued him last season while he was with the New York Jets, then spent part of his summer working out with the football team at a high school near his home....


Brett Favre was cool until he "retired" the first time. Since then I am so sick of the guy it is nauseating! I really think this guy is not going to quit until he has a major injury and has to be carried off the field. He has a tear in the rotator cuff and I don't think he is going to be "all that" for the Vikings. I'd bet this is the year his consecutive start streak will end. I hope nothing too terrible happens to him, but I really wish he would go away, never to be heard from again, at least until he is inducted into the hall of fame. If he makes it through this season intact, how much you wanna bet he retires again, then comes back in 2010?!?


:tomato: :banghead:
OMG, finally someone who shares my opinion! I voiced this same thing when his decision to "come back" totally took over every stations' news at every moment of the day! Needless to say, it wasn't a popular opinion to have .. so since then I've just quietly said, "go away, Brett .. go the hell away" ... and now I can say it out loud hehehehe
He took some of the flame off of Vick, though :D
Just like MJ taking the heat off of Sanford...
I just want him to go out good. He was always one of the QBs I most hated and most respected and admired as well, depending on how the Packers could effect the Seahawks. The trouble is though he is going to end up crippled or just play till his skills dwindle enough that nobody will sign him, or worse yet they do sign him and he ends up laying an egg. Nobody wants to see such a legend make such an idiot of himself. A lot of folks think he is already looking pretty foolish.
Let me put it this way, if the Seahawks get knocked out of contention somehow, I hope the Vikings do win the Super Bowl just so I can see if that will make him go away! Trouble is I think that would just encourage him to retire and un-retire yet again!