
She is one weird woman. Even though the distance from her apartment to the Cannon House Office Building is about 200 paces, she takes a limo to work. This costs the taxpayers for a car and driver and also violates House ethics rules.

Remember when she insisted that hurricanes should have Black names?

I can just picture this on the news. "Residents braced as hurricane Geordi LaForge bore down on them. Hurricane Geordi is estimated to make landfall by this evening."
that cohen guy is really not seeming too bright right now either. it's beyond me how folks can vote for such babbling idiots. no, wait, that was a foolish thing to say when the evidence is so overwhelming.
yeah, I saw Stewart blast him last night.
Stewart made a good point. Cohen is an embarrassment to the Dem. party.
yeah lee-cohen is really challenging bachmann-palin in a battle for stupid banter hegemony. they should get luchador suits and battle it out in the ring!
meh, Palin does ok defending herself, and I'll let her.

Bachmann on the other hand is different.
She actually listens and does her best to do what the Majority of,
not only her constituents want, but I believe the larger part of the country.
Whether anyone thinks she communicates good or not is beside the point
with most people that support her, although I personally think she does a fine job.
They always know best

pshaw minks sez there are all cheerleaders
that need level four trauma plates for their girlie parts

I like both of those wimmins folk. Bachmann is too chicky for the job, she'd make a damn good wife if she wasn't in politics.

The left hates real wimmins', let them attack them both while (_,_)bama resolves his NBC issues.


reminds me of a story from my dad's childhood. the dog ate the roast, which had been covered in a lattice of butcher's string to hold it together. gramps gave dad a towel to cover his hand and sent him out into the backyard to yank the string out hanging out of the dog's ass, instructing...

"tommy, get out there... and pull the ripcord!"
Three guys decide they will enter a pig in the county fair. They decide that the best way to fatten the pig up is to put a cork in its ass so it can't shit.

The pig grows and grows and they enter it in the pig judging contest and they take the first prize.

When they get home, they start to discuss how they are going to get the cork out of the pig's ass. None of them wants to do it so they decide on a plan of action.

They go to the local pet shop and they buy a monkey. They then take the monkey home and over the course of a few days they train the monkey to pull a cork out of a hole.

When the day comes to remove the cork from the pig's ass they lock the pig and the monkey in a room together.

After a while they get curious and decide to have a look at what is happening.

The first guy opens the door a crack and peers in. He slams the door.

The others ask "What did you see?"

"All I could see was shit everywhere!" he exclaims.

The second guy opens the door a crack and peers in. He slams the door.

The others ask "What did you see?"

"All I could see was shit everywhere!" he exclaims.

The third guy opens the door a crack and peers in. He slams the door.

The others ask "What did you see?"

"All I could see was that poor monkey trying to put the cork back in!"