and you thought Iraq was bad


molṑn labé
Staff member
just wait for the arguments when the next phase of the War on Terror begins

The United States government reportedly began coordinating with NATO its plans for a possible military attack against Iran.

Jerusalem Post

shoulda done it in 1978
Nah...back then, Iraq would've been your allies and Saddam still in power today :)

Iran as a stepping stone towards Syria? Anyone?
MrBishop said:
Nah...back then, Iraq would've been your allies and Saddam still in power today :)

Iran as a stepping stone towards Syria? Anyone?

Naah. Syria isn't trying to go nuclear. I'd think going to N Korea, with Chinese backing, would be a better target...
Forget Chinese backing...just convince China that North Korea is threatening it's sovereignty and watch the fireworks.
MrBishop said:
Nah...back then, Iraq would've been your allies and Saddam still in power today :)

Lesser of two evils. Khomenei is gone but Saddam stayed & the great Ayatollah has risen again (with a variance in spelling)
It'll be just my luck if they kick off while I'm over there. :mope: I can smell the Steak and Lobster now...:(
As far as Iran goes, if it happens I don't think it will be a full invasion... my two cents..

As far as who to invade California comes to mind then Massachusits...
Inkara1 said:
Give me a chance to get out of California before you invade it.

:grinno: We need someone there with journalistic integrity to properly record the facts. :grinyes:
Never mind then...we'll just allow California to fall back into Mexicos hands. You know how well the Constitution works there.
Gonz said:
Never mind then...we'll just allow California to fall back into Mexicos hands. You know how well the Constitution works there.

Won't matter...they've already prepared for just such an instance. Why do you think they protest anything being done about our Southern border? :D
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is waiting...even preparing for the 12th Imam. Quite literally. Does anyone not see that he is provoking a war? I don't say this lightly. He is provoking Israel week by week by week by week by week...
He wants them to attack. Ahmadinejad Is the most extreme of extremists. You think America and the world were blind and stupid prior to 9/11? Just wait until you find out what this man has in store for the Middle East. It's amazing to me. Not one of the major news networks have even touched on the real issues at hand. Instead they treat the man like a politically incorrect figurehead.

No...Nato/UN/EU/EC will be too late this time around.
I truly believe that the "war" in the Middle East is over.

Iran is surrounded, by budding Democracies!


and if not then

"The United States government reportedly began
coordinating with NATO its plans for a possible military attack against Iran."