a simple batch file


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
i need a little help.
I havent done this in a ver long time.
I ned a sample batch file coping a file from the server to 2 user desktops.
Help :(
why yes i do

server is

desktops are
c:\Program Files\CAdmin\Letters\Lease
copy r:\hudletters\*.doc //sharedDesktopPath (or desktop map path)

"repeat for desktop 2 path"
ok you first have to shared the "Desktop" folder on each of the workstations.

the path should be something like //WS1/desktop, after you share it.

If you look in the network folders in windows explorer, you can see the path
after you share it. What are the 2 paths to the 2 workstation desktops?
ok lets make this easier.
I want to add locally to each station a batch file that copies from the server to the workstation the *.doc fileon the R:\hudletters\*.doc
Sorry i just thought that if we did it in reverse that if someome was using the dc the copy would fail
copy r:\hudletters\*.doc c:\Program Files\CAdmin\Letters\Lease
on each station :hairbang:

then you can also put it on a schedule.
That's how I setup a backup on one network.
so iwould it be

@echo off
copy r:\hudletters\*.doc// c:\program Files\CAdmin\letters\lease
that should work. It will exit anyway though.
unless you use Pause ... so you can see that it copied ok.
Thank u Cat as always your appreciated very much.
Now to talk them into dticking this into the start menu too.
Plus putting it onthe esktop incase a mid day change